instructions attached 1. Follow these guidelines when completing the paper. a. Select a “Speak Up Campaigns” brochure from The Joint

instructions attached

1. Follow these guidelines when completing the paper.

a. Select a “Speak Up Campaigns” brochure from
The Joint Commission website.

b. Write a short paper reviewing the brochure. Use the Grading Criteria (below) to structure your critique.

c. Include current nursing or healthcare journal articles (must be
Evidence from a recent (5 years) scholarly nursing journal article
to support your critique.


a. Introduction of brochure (10 points/10%)

i. Includes brochure title

ii. Identifies date published

iii. Describes individuals or groups

iv. Brochure properly cited, included on reference list and submitted with assignment

b. Summary of brochure (20 points/20%) -brochure citation required

i. Review the main topics in the brochure.

ii. Includes information to promote communication between patients and healthcare providers.

iii. Reflects on why this topic is of interest to you?

c. Evaluation of brochure (30 points/30% total (4 points each) (Brochure & nursing article must be cited)

i. Was the information provided in the brochure beneficial? Could you incorporate it in your patient education?

ii. What was done well, and what could have been improved in the brochure?

iii. Was the information presented clearly?

iv. Did current nursing or healthcare related research support the information presented in the brochure?

v. What population or individuals does this brochure apply to (i.e., who will benefit the most from this brochure)?

vi. Who else can use this information?

vii. Will this information increase patient safety?

d. Clarity of Writing (20 points/20%)

i. Information presented in a logical progression.

ii. Section headers used:

iii. Summary of Brochure

iv. Patient Communication

v. Personal Reflection

vi. Evaluation of Brochure

vii. Evidence Review and Application

viii. Conclusion

e. Conclusion (10 points/10%)

i. Restates the purpose of the paper.

ii. Summarizes the main points of the paper.

iii. Summarizes the benefits of following the brochure’s advice to a person at risk.

f. APA style and structure (10 points/10%)

i. Uses appropriate APA format and is free of errors. 


Paper is no longer than three (3) pages, excluding title page, reference page, and copy of brochure.


Evidence from a recent (5 years) scholarly nursing journal article was integrated within the Evaluation of Brochure section to support your answers.

iv. Grammar and mechanics are free of errors.

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