Infant Memory

This paper will be similar to the ‘Literature Review’ or ‘Introduction’ plus ‘Discussion’ sections of a journal article. You will describe the two studies you selected from our list; evaluate the two articles, identifying strengths and weaknesses of the methods, inconsistencies across the papers in the research findings, and how the findings can be integrated; and suggest interesting/important directions for future study. We value both integrative thinking and critiques that are directly relevant to the research and the theoretical issues involved.Your paper must be written in American Psychological Association style. Please refer to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th edition for guidance on both style and format. The Purdue OWL is also a useful online resource ( All papers must be double spaced, with 1 inch margins all around and 12-point font. In addition, your name and student identification number must appear in a heading on each page, along with a correct page number. The title Paper Guide2 page should be numbered as page 1. The title page, abstract, and reference list do not go toward the 5- to 7-pages of required text.For each deadline, you will need to turn in a hard copy and also an electronic copy. The electronic copy will be submitted via our class Canvas. Please also bring an extra copy of the documents to the writing workshops that are currently scheduled for January 22 and February 21. You will use your paper in the workshops.A hard copy of the complete Draft Paper is due on January 31(during lecture). An electronic copy of it must be submitted to Canvas by time of lecture on January 31. We expect the paper submitted on January 31 to represent your best work and that you have edited it yourself at least once. We will read that paper and provide comments for improvement. You will then have a chance to revise your paper based on our feedback to increase the points you have earned, up to the maximum possible. The Draft Paper should be complete, with a title page, complete reference list, etc. It is important that the Draft Papers are as refined by you as possible before the TAs and/or Icomment on them. In editing, ideally, you do your best work, and then we show you how to improve upon it. (As social scientists, we go through a similar process whenever we write papers. It’s all part of the lifelong-learning process of increasing one’s writing skills, one’s intellectual reach, and one’s ability to formulate a logical argument and critique.) The Revised Paper will be handed in and submitted electronically on February 28. The final hard copy and electronic copy are due Thursday, February 28, by 4: 40 pm at the start of class. For the hard copy, you must also include the copy of the paper you submitted on January 31 with the comments on that paper that you received from us. Please be sure to include the entire draft with comments, including the title page, abstract, etc. Failure to include the marked first draft of your paper with your final draft will lead to a 10-point reduction on your Revised Paper grade. If you are satisfied with the points you received on the Draft Paper, you do not have to turn in a Revised Paper. However, you must upload a 1-page document on Canvas by the February28 deadline indicating that you are satisfied with the points you received on the Draft Paper and will not be turning in a Revised Paper. You must also include your name and student ID number. You can earn up to 100 points on the Draft Paper and up to 100 points on the RevisedPaper. Your grade will be the average of the two (50% each). Thus, the quality of the Draft Paper will affect your grade.Elements of the Paper:Title Page: The title page should include a “running head,” the title of the manuscript, your name and affiliation, the date, and the course name. The title should clearly and precisely identify the topic of investigation. Abstract: The abstract is a brief summary of your paper.

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