In this assignment, students will pull together the capstone project change proposal components they have been working on throughout the course to create a proposal inclusive of sections for each cont Nursing Assignment Help

In this assignment, students will pull together the capstone project change proposal components they have been working on throughout the course to create a proposal inclusive of sections for each content focus area in the course. For this project, the student will apply evidence-based research steps and processes required as the foundation to address a clinically oriented problem or issue in future practice.

Develop a 1,250-1,500 written project that includes the following information as it applies to the problem, issue, suggestion, initiative, or educational need profiled in the capstone change proposal:

1. Background

2. Clinical problem statement.

3. Purpose of the change proposal in relation to providing patient care in the changing health care system.

4. PICOT question.

5. Literature search strategy employed.

6. Evaluation of the literature.

7. Applicable change or nursing theory utilized.

8. Proposed implementation plan with outcome measures.

9. Discussion of how evidence-based practice was used in creating the intervention plan.

10. Plan for evaluating the proposed nursing intervention.

11. Identification of potential barriers to plan implementation, and a discussion of how these could be overcome.

12. Appendix section, if tables, graphs, surveys, educational materials, etc. are created.

Review the feedback from your instructor on the Topic 3 assignment, PICOT Question Paper, and Topic 6 assignment, Literature Review. Use this feedback to make appropriate revisions to these before submitting.

Benchmark Information

This benchmark assignment assesses the following programmatic competencies:


1.1: Exemplify professionalism in diverse health care settings.

2.2: Comprehend nursing concepts and health theories.

3.2: Implement patient care decisions based on evidence-based practice.


All revisions are incorporated. The revision greatly improves the accuracy and clarity of the project.

Background of clinical problem are clearly and logically presented. Relevant support and rationale are evident.

Clinical problem statement is clearly and logically presented. Relevant support and rationale are evident.

Purpose of the change proposal in relation to providing patient care in the changing health care system is logically presented. Relevant support and rationale are evident.

Topic and criteria are clearly and logically presented. Relevant support and rationale are evident.

Topic and criteria are clearly and logically presented. Relevant support and rationale are evident.

Evaluation of literature is clearly and logically presented. Relevant support and rationale are evident.

Change or nursing theory is logically presented. Relevant support and rationale are evident.

Implementation plan and outcome measures are clearly and logically presented. Relevant support and rationale are evident.

Use of evidence-based practice in intervention plan is clearly and logically presented. Relevant support and rationale are evident.

Plan for evaluating proposed nursing intervention is clearly and logically presented. Relevant support and rationale are evident.

Potential barriers and plan to overcome barriers are clearly and logically presented. Relevant support and rationale are evident.

Expert Solution Preview

The capstone project change proposal is an essential component of the medical college curriculum, allowing students to apply evidence-based research steps and processes to address a clinically oriented problem or issue in future practice. In this assignment, students are required to create a written project that incorporates various sections related to the content focus areas in the course. The project should encompass background information, a clinical problem statement, the purpose of the change proposal in relation to providing patient care in the changing healthcare system, a PICOT question, a literature search strategy, an evaluation of the literature, an applicable change or nursing theory, a proposed implementation plan with outcome measures, the utilization of evidence-based practice in creating the intervention plan, a plan for evaluating the proposed nursing intervention, identification of potential barriers to plan implementation, and a discussion on overcoming these barriers. Additionally, an appendix section should be included if tables, graphs, surveys, educational materials, etc. are created.

To ensure the successful completion of this capstone project change proposal assignment, students should follow the provided rubrics and incorporate feedback received on previous assignments, such as the Topic 3 assignment on the PICOT Question Paper and the Topic 6 assignment on the Literature Review. This feedback will help guide revisions and improve the accuracy and clarity of the project.

Each section of the project should be clearly and logically presented, providing relevant support and rationale for the information provided. Background information should be comprehensive and well-supported, providing a strong foundation for the clinical problem statement. The purpose of the change proposal should be clearly defined and logically connected to the changing healthcare system and its impact on patient care.

The PICOT question should be carefully constructed, addressing the specific components of population, intervention, comparison, outcome, and time. The literature search strategy should be outlined, demonstrating a systematic and thorough approach to gathering relevant research evidence. The evaluation of the literature should critically analyze the gathered evidence, highlighting its strengths, weaknesses, and applicability to the identified problem or issue.

An applicable change or nursing theory should be utilized to guide the proposed implementation plan, which should include clear outcome measures. The intervention plan should be evidence-based, demonstrating a thoughtful and strategic approach to addressing the identified problem or issue.

A plan for evaluating the proposed nursing intervention should be provided, outlining the methods and measures to assess the effectiveness and outcomes of the intervention. Additionally, potential barriers to plan implementation should be identified, along with a discussion on how these barriers can be overcome.

Finally, if applicable, an appendix section should include any supplementary materials created, such as tables, graphs, surveys, or educational materials, to support the project.

By following these guidelines and incorporating feedback, students will be able to create a comprehensive and well-supported capstone project change proposal that exemplifies professionalism, comprehension of nursing concepts and health theories, and implementation of evidence-based practice.

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