HSM 230 Week 7 Checkpoint Acre Woods Retirement Community Case Study Nursing Assignment Help

This file of HSM 230 Week 7 Checkpoint Acre Woods Retirement Community Case Study consists of:

1. What are some potential legal and ethical issues present in this case study?

2. How would you characterize the director

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In the case study of Acre Woods Retirement Community, there are several potential legal and ethical issues that arise. The director of the retirement community also plays a crucial role in addressing these issues. This response will discuss the legal and ethical issues present in the case study and provide a characterization of the director.

1. Potential legal and ethical issues:

a) Negligence: One potential legal issue in the case study is negligence. The director failed to take appropriate measures to ensure the safety of the residents. This is evident from the lack of supervision during outings, which resulted in a resident falling and sustaining injuries. Negligence can lead to legal consequences as the director has a duty to provide a safe environment for the residents.

b) Violation of residents’ rights: Another legal and ethical concern is the violation of residents’ rights. Residents have the right to privacy, dignity, and autonomy. However, the director failed to respect these rights by not obtaining consent before sharing personal information with the local newspaper. This breach of confidentiality and disregard for residents’ rights can result in legal action and damage the reputation of the retirement community.

c) Ethical decision-making: The case study also raises ethical issues related to decision-making. The director’s decision to withhold information about the fall from the resident’s family without a valid reason raises concerns about transparency and honesty. This decision goes against ethical principles of beneficence and non-maleficence, as it could potentially harm the resident’s well-being and trust in the community.

2. Characterization of the director:

Based on the information provided in the case study, the director can be characterized as lacking in responsibility and professionalism. The director’s negligence in ensuring resident safety reflects a failure to fulfill their professional obligations. Additionally, the director’s breach of residents’ rights by sharing personal information without consent demonstrates a lack of respect for ethical principles of privacy and autonomy.

The director’s decision to withhold information from the resident’s family further reflects a lack of transparency and honesty, which are essential qualities for a director in a healthcare setting. These actions suggest a disregard for the well-being and trust of the residents and their families.

In conclusion, the case study of Acre Woods Retirement Community presents several potential legal and ethical issues, including negligence, violation of residents’ rights, and ethical decision-making. The director of the retirement community can be characterized as lacking in responsibility and professionalism, demonstrated by their negligence, breach of residents’ rights, and failure to communicate transparently. These issues need to be addressed to ensure the well-being and safety of the residents and to maintain the community’s reputation.

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