HSC 3485 Rasmussen University Health & Medical Question Nursing Assignment Help

Module 05 Content   

It is important to understand the cultural norms and practices within your community. One of the most effective ways to learn about other cultures is to directly communicate with someone of that culture. Gathering firsthand information allows for accurate reflection and assessment, but it is also important to gather information from multiple perspectives and rely on research when building cultural competence.
You work for a neighborhood association, and one of your organization’s initiatives for this calendar year is to improve cultural competence in the healthcare community. You decide to create a pamphlet/handout that will be distributed to healthcare professionals to foster the concepts of inclusivity and intercultural competence. Instructions
For this assignment, you will complete three parts and submit two documents.Part 1: Interview a Community Member
Interview at least one member of your community about cultural competence. It is highly recommended that you interview a healthcare or social services professional, if possible. Seek out someone who has a different cultural background than yourself.
Potential interview questions:

Tell me about your professional journey. (What led you to this position? What barriers did you encounter?)

How have you developed your own cultural competence over your lifetime?

  1. How do you navigate patient care when it comes to race/ethnicity/cultural differences?

Do you see any opportunities for our healthcare community to be more inclusive of all of our community members?

What can be done to improve cultural competence in the healthcare field?

This interview may be completed face-to-face, through video conference, or email. Part 2: Conduct Research
Conduct research and write a summary of your research in a Microsoft Word document.

Conduct research on the demographics of your community.

Use any valid and reliable source, but may want to consider using Census.gov’s “Quick Facts

Consider race, ethnicity, sex, education level, income level, etc.

Conduct academic research regarding cultural competence.

Use Rasmussen’s library and other scholarly sources to understand the definition of cultural competence and ways to improve intercultural competency in healthcare.

In essay format, summarize your interview with the community member, research on the demographics of your community, and academic research regarding cultural competence. Cite your sources appropriately. Part 3: Create a Pamphlet or Handout
In a Microsoft Word document, create a one-page pamphlet or handout on cultural competence that can be distributed to healthcare professionals within the community. Include the following:

Explain the concept of cultural competence and strategies for navigating cultural differences in healthcare.

Provide information specific to your community and address the demographics found in your research.

  • Submit your two documents in one zip-file.
    Use professional word choice and correct spelling, grammar, and APA style.  Resources
    Resources that may be needed to support the completion of the assessment include:Creating a Zip-fileAPA GuideCensus QuickFactsHow do I create a brochure, poster, pamphlet, or other marketing materials using Microsoft Word, Publisher, and/or PowerPoint?
    Submit your completed assignment by following the directions linked below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.
    Save your assignment as a zip file that includes both documents. The name of the file should be your first initial and last name, followed by an underscore and the name of the assignment, and an underscore and the date. An example is shown below:Jstudent_exampleproblem_101504
  • Rubric
  • Pamphlet / Handout
    30% of total gradeMastery: Advanced or exceeds achievementComprehensive attempt at pamphlet/handout includes detailed information about the concept of cultural competence and strategies for navigating cultural differences in healthcare. Detailed attempt to make the information specific to the community and address the community’s demographics.15Proficiency: Clear/effective achievementSubstantial attempt at pamphlet/handout includes sufficient information about the concept of cultural competence and strategies for navigating cultural differences in healthcare. Sufficient attempt to make the information specific to the community and address the community’s demographics.12.75Competence: Adequate/basic achievementReasonable attempt at pamphlet/handout includes basic information about the concept of cultural competence and strategies for navigating cultural differences in healthcare. Basic attempt to make the information specific to the community and address the community’s demographics.11.25Emerging: Limited or growing achievementRudimentary attempt at pamphlet/handout includes vague information about the concept of cultural competence and strategies for navigating cultural differences in healthcare. Vague attempt to make the information specific to the community and address the community’s demographics.8.25
  • Summary
    30% of total gradeMastery: Advanced or exceeds achievementComprehensive attempt at the summary of the interview with a community member, discussion of questions and answers, and citations.15Proficiency: Clear/effective achievementSubstantial attempt at the summary of the interview with a community member, discussion of questions and answers, and citations.12.75Competence: Adequate/basic achievementReasonable attempt at the summary of the interview with a community member, discussion of questions and answers, and citations.11.25Emerging: Limited or growing achievementRudimentary attempt at the summary of the interview with a community member, discussion of questions and answers, and citations.8.25
  • Cultural Competence
    30% of total gradeMastery: Advanced or exceeds achievementComprehensive attempt at explaining the concept of cultural competence and strategies for navigating cultural differences in healthcare. Provided detailed information specific to your community and demographics.15Proficiency: Clear/effective achievementSubstantial attempt at explaining the concept of cultural competence and strategies for navigating cultural differences in healthcare. Provided sufficient information specific to your community and demographics.12.75Competence: Adequate/basic achievementReasonable attempt at explaining the concept of cultural competence and strategies for navigating cultural differences in healthcare. Provided basic information specific to your community and demographics.11.25Emerging: Limited or growing achievementRudimentary attempt at explaining the concept of cultural competence and strategies for navigating cultural differences in healthcare. Provided vague information specific to your community and demographics.8.25
  • APA Formatting and Sources
    10% of total gradeMastery: Advanced or exceeds achievementComprehensive APA formatting and citation of valid and reliable sources.5Proficiency: Clear/effective achievementSubstantial APA formatting and citation of valid and reliable sources.4.25Competence: Adequate/basic achievementReasonable APA formatting and citation of valid and reliable sources.3.75Emerging: Limited or growing achievementRudimentary APA formatting and citation of valid and reliable sources.2.75

Expert Solution Preview

To improve cultural competence in the healthcare community, I have designed a three-part assignment for college medical students. In this assignment, students will first interview a community member, preferably a healthcare or social services professional with a different cultural background. They will ask questions about the individual’s professional journey, barriers encountered, development of cultural competence, strategies for navigating patient care when it comes to race/ethnicity/cultural differences, and opportunities for the healthcare community to be more inclusive. This interview can be conducted face-to-face, through video conference, or email.

The second part of the assignment involves conducting research on the demographics of their community. Students will use valid and reliable sources, such as Census.gov’s “Quick Facts,” to gather information about race, ethnicity, sex, education level, income level, etc. Additionally, students will conduct academic research on cultural competence using Rasmussen’s library and other scholarly sources. They will explore the definition of cultural competence and ways to improve intercultural competency in healthcare.

In the final part of the assignment, students will create a one-page pamphlet or handout on cultural competence using Microsoft Word. This pamphlet will be distributed to healthcare professionals within the community. It will explain the concept of cultural competence and strategies for navigating cultural differences in healthcare. Students will also provide information specific to their community, addressing the demographics found in their research.

The assignment will be evaluated based on three criteria: the quality of the pamphlet/handout, the summary of the interview with a community member and the discussion of questions and answers, and the explanation of cultural competence and strategies for navigating cultural differences in healthcare. APA formatting and citation of valid and reliable sources will also be assessed.

By completing this assignment, college medical students will gain a better understanding of cultural competence and the importance of inclusivity and intercultural competence in healthcare. They will also develop research and communication skills, preparing them for their future careers as healthcare professionals.

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