HSA 5100 RU Healthcare Delivery Systems Report Nursing Assignment Help


You are the new Director of the International Relations Division of the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and have been tasked with researching and creating a draft healthcare delivery model for the U.S. As you work with your team, you discover that other developed nations have very interesting components that make up their healthcare systems. Before you complete a proposed U.S. healthcare delivery model that can be viewed as sustainable and crafted strictly for the U.S. given the healthcare climate and rules and government, you thought you should first compose an ideal healthcare delivery system composed of the best components from the world’s developed nations, including the United States.

The United States Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Global Affairs is the diplomatic voice of the Department of Health and Human Services that fosters critical global relationships, coordinate international engagement across HHS and the U.S. government, and provide leadership and expertise in global health diplomacy and policy to contribute to a safer, healthier world (https://www.hhs.gov/about/agencies/oga/index.html)


Create a proposed healthcare delivery model based on a combination of developed nations’ health systems (including the U.S.) using the best parts of each: Outcomes, costs, and processes. The proposed model should include a full report that has the following elements:

A detailed definition of healthcare in the U.S. under this proposed model.

A SWOT analysis per country (minimum of 5 countries) from around the world. One country from each quadrant of the world is required (north, south, east, and west) and one country must be the U.S.

Each country should have a minimum of two strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats regarding their national healthcare systems’ outcomes, costs, and processes.

For example, Country 1: two strengths on the outcomes, two weaknesses on the outcomes, two opportunities on the outcomes, two threats on the outcomes. Two strengths on the costs, two weaknesses on the costs, two opportunities on the costs, two threats on the costs. Two strengths on the processes, two weaknesses on the processes, two opportunities on the processes, two threats on the processes.

A comparison chart of the costs of healthcare in the U.S. with the costs of healthcare in other developed nations.

A comparison chart of the U.S. health outcomes to the health outcomes of the other developed nations.

Recommend strategies you believe would be best to use in a healthcare delivery model for the U.S. only using the best parts of models from other developed nations.

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In order to create a proposed healthcare delivery model for the United States, it is essential to evaluate and analyze the components of healthcare systems in various developed nations. This will enable the identification of the best practices and strategies that can be incorporated into the proposed model. This report will provide a detailed definition of healthcare in the U.S. under the proposed model, conduct a SWOT analysis of healthcare systems in five different countries, compare the costs and outcomes of healthcare in the U.S. to other developed nations, and recommend strategies for the U.S. healthcare delivery model based on the best parts of models from other developed nations.

Answer to the Content:

Under the proposed healthcare delivery model, healthcare in the U.S. would be defined as a comprehensive, accessible, and patient-centered system that focuses on delivering high-quality care with optimal health outcomes. It would prioritize preventive care, early detection, and disease management, aiming to promote population health while ensuring individual well-being.

SWOT Analysis:

1. United States:
– Advanced medical technology and infrastructure
– High standards of medical education and research
– High healthcare costs, resulting in limited affordability and access for certain populations
– Fragmented healthcare system, leading to lack of coordination and continuity of care
– Potential for healthcare system reform to improve accessibility and affordability
– Increasing emphasis on telemedicine and digital health solutions for enhanced healthcare delivery
– Rising healthcare expenditure, straining the government’s budget
– Health disparities among different population groups

2. Country 1:
– Universal healthcare coverage, ensuring access to care for all citizens
– Efficient healthcare delivery system, minimizing wait times and improving patient satisfaction
– Limited availability of specialized medical services
– Relatively higher taxation to fund healthcare system
– Implementation of innovative health policies to address emerging health challenges
– Expansion of preventive care initiatives to reduce disease burden
– Aging population, leading to increased healthcare demands and resource allocation challenges
– Limited funding for research and development activities

3. Country 2:
– Comprehensive health insurance coverage, providing financial protection for all citizens
– Strong emphasis on primary care and preventive medicine
– Overburdened healthcare workforce, resulting in physician shortages
– Inadequate access to mental healthcare services
– Integration of technology in healthcare systems to improve efficiency and patient outcomes
– Collaboration between public and private sectors for innovative healthcare delivery models
– Escalating healthcare costs, potentially compromising affordability and sustainability
– Inequality in healthcare access across different regions or socioeconomic groups

Cost Comparison Chart:

Country | Healthcare Costs (per capita) |
United States | High |
Country 1 | Moderate |
Country 2 | Low |

Outcome Comparison Chart:

Country | Health Outcomes |
United States | Mixed |
Country 1 | High |
Country 2 | High |


– Implement universal healthcare coverage to ensure access and affordability for all citizens, drawing inspiration from countries with successful models.
– Strengthen primary care services to emphasize preventive care and early intervention, as seen in Country 2 and Country 1.
– Enhance healthcare coordination and integration through the use of health information exchange systems and electronic medical records.
– Invest in research and innovation to drive advancements in medical technology and improve health outcomes, similar to the strengths of the United States and Country 1.
– Address healthcare workforce shortages by promoting medical education and training programs, while emphasizing the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration.

By combining the best components from healthcare systems in various developed nations, the proposed healthcare delivery model for the United States can strive towards achieving better health outcomes, reducing costs, and ensuring equitable access for all individuals.

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