HRM355 Research Project Your project must be submitted as a Word document (.docx, .doc)*. Your project will be individually graded by your instructor

HRM355 Research Project

Your project must be submitted as a Word document (.docx, .doc)*. Your project will be individually graded by your instructor and therefore may take up to five to seven days to grade.

Be sure that each of your files contains the following information:

  • Your name
  • Your student ID number
  • Course title and number (Training Concepts, HRM355)
  • Research project number
  • Your email address

To submit your graded project, follow these steps:

  • Log in to your student portal.
  • Click on Take Exam next to the lesson you’re working on.
  • Find the exam number for your project at the top of the Project Upload page.
  • Follow the instructions provided to complete your exam.

Be sure to keep a backup copy of any files you submit to the school!


The goal of this research project is to help you apply what you’ve learned about adult learning theory from your lessons. This assignment will provide you with an opportunity to explain the concept of adult learning theory and how it influences employee training.


Write a two- to three-page research report (minimum of five paragraphs, 80–150 words each) that demonstrates your understanding of the following topic. Include relevant resource links, and explain your point of view thoroughly.


Explain the concept of Malcolm Knowles’ theory of adult learning and discuss its implications for a real-world employee training program.

Choose from one of the following corporate employee training programs, and use your own research skills. Briefly describe the organization’s training program and evaluate whether you believe the training program is successful based on adult learning theory parameters. Share evidence-based ideas for improving the training program.


In your research paper, address the following factors:

  1. Does the training meet all five of the adult learning theory assumptions?
  2. If so, what elements of the training most closely align with Knowles’s theory?
  3. If not, what employee training elements are missing and what is the impact?
  4. What environmental, social, and cultural aspects influence training outcomes?
  5. How can the training be improved, given the way employees prefer to learn today?


Type your submission, double-spaced, using either Times New Roman or another plain font, size 12. Use a standard document format with 1-inch margins. Your paper should be written in Microsoft Word or a Word-compatible program.

Your research paper should include a cover sheet and works cited list using APA formatting. You should also follow APA citation guidelines for citing sources within your paper.

Grading Rubric

Your project will be graded according to the following rubric.

Category Excellent
20–16 points
15–11 points
10–6 points
Needs Improvement
5–0 points
Abstract Clearly states problem and question to be resolved; clearly summarizes method, results, and conclusions. Summarizes the problem, method, results, and conclusions, but lacks some details. Is vague about the problem; doesn’t provide a summary of the whole project. Little to no information is provided about the problem or question.
Introduction Provides background research into the topic and summarizes important findings; describes the problem to be solved; justifies the study; explains the significance of the problem to an audience of non-specialists. Provides background research into the topic and describes the problem to be solved. Provides background research into the topic but doesn’t describe the problem to be solved; insufficient or nonexistent explanation of details to non-specialists. Little to no background information is provided.
Discussion Factors Addresses the five factors in the topic guidelines with clarity; organizes and synthesizes information; draws conclusions. Addresses some of the five factors of the topic; lacks substantive conclusions. Presents limited clarity in formulating conclusions or organization about the five factors in the guidelines. Presents little to no clarity in formulating conclusions or organization about the five factors in the guidelines.
Summary Presents a logical explanation for findings; presents clear recommendations or implications for future research. Presents a logical explanation for findings. Doesn’t adequately explain findings. Doesn’t address or explain findings.
Mechanics and Documentation Is free or almost free of errors of grammar, spelling, and writing mechanics; documents sources appropriately. Has errors but they don’t represent a major distraction; documents sources. Has errors that obscure the meaning of the content or add confusion; neglects important sources or documents few to no resources. Document is filled with errors.

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