How Great Leaders Inspire Action Discussion Nursing Assignment Help

Use the YouTube link below to answer questions

1. Reflect on the video. Identify a present challenge in your organization (your team, your hospital system, your institution) that is particularly sticky. How could you, as a leader take what you have learned from Linda and Simon’s talks to lead your team and organization to a resolution? What bold action could be taken to make big improvements in the outcomes of your work?

YouTube: Start with Why – How Great Leaders Inspire Action 


2. Discuss someone in your life that Linda resembles. What was their great accomplishment that is so inspiring?

YouTube: Linda Cliatt-Wayman: How to fix a broken school? Lead 

fearlessly, love hard (17:07)

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As a medical professor, my role involves designing and conducting lectures, evaluating student performance, and providing feedback through examinations and assignments. This includes creating meaningful and challenging assignments that encourage critical thinking and problem-solving skills in medical college students. Additionally, my responsibilities also extend to identifying and addressing challenges within my organization and utilizing leadership skills to drive positive change and improve outcomes. In this response, I will address the questions provided, drawing from the knowledge and principles discussed in the referenced videos.

Answer to Question 1:
Reflecting on the video, one present challenge in my organization that could be particularly sticky is the lack of interdisciplinary collaboration and communication among healthcare teams. This challenge often leads to fragmented care, misunderstandings, and delays in patient treatment plans.

To address this challenge, as a leader, I can take inspiration from Linda and Simon’s talks and apply their insights to lead my team and organization towards resolution. Firstly, by understanding and clearly communicating the organization’s “why,” the purpose and goals can be reinforced to inspire and align the team members. By articulating a compelling vision, emphasizing the significance and value of interdisciplinary collaboration in patient care, I can motivate the team to work together towards the common goal of delivering holistic, patient-centered care.

Additionally, I can foster an environment of trust and safety, encouraging team members to share ideas, concerns, and suggestions openly. By valuing diverse perspectives and encouraging open and respectful dialogue, barriers to collaboration can be dismantled, enabling effective communication and information sharing within the healthcare team.

To make significant improvements in the outcomes of our work, a bold action that I could consider is implementing a comprehensive team training program. This program would focus on enhancing communication skills, fostering mutual respect, and promoting interdisciplinary teamwork. By investing in training and creating opportunities for team members to build relationships and understand each other’s roles and expertise, we can improve collaboration and ultimately enhance patient outcomes.

Answer to Question 2:
Linda Cliatt-Wayman, as portrayed in the video, resembles one of my close friends who is a passionate and determined educator. Similar to Linda, my friend has taken on the challenge of transforming a struggling school and has made remarkable accomplishments.

My friend’s great accomplishment lies in her unwavering commitment to providing quality education to all students. Despite facing numerous obstacles and resistance, she fearlessly advocates for her students’ welfare, ensuring they receive the support they need to succeed. Through her dedication, she has managed to inspire her colleagues, parents, and students, fostering a sense of community and instilling a belief in the potential for positive change.

By implementing innovative teaching methods, engaging students through personalized attention, and expanding access to resources, my friend has significantly improved academic achievement and created a safer and more nurturing learning environment. Her unwavering love and support for her students have not only transformed their lives but also motivated others to join her cause, leading to a positive ripple effect within the school community.

In conclusion, the video discussions on leadership and inspiration provide valuable insights that can be applied to address challenges within an organization. Through effective leadership approaches, such as clearly communicating the organization’s purpose and values, fostering interdisciplinary collaboration, and fearlessly pursuing positive change, significant improvements can be made in the outcomes of our work. Drawing inspiration from individuals like Linda Cliatt-Wayman and my friend, who have demonstrated remarkable accomplishments in their respective fields, we can strive towards creating impactful change in our own organizations and communities.

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