Holistic Nursing Assessment Objectives: 1. Explain the concept and importance of holistic nursing

Holistic Nursing Assessment


1. Explain the concept and importance of holistic nursing assessment.

2. Identify the components of a holistic nursing assessment.

3. Apply skills in conducting a holistic nursing assessment.

Part 1: See calendar for due date.


Complete the following tasks. The first part of this assignment will prepare you for part two where you will conduct a holistic assessment.

Reading Assignment: Read the following article (you will need to log into the MSU library to gain access):

a. Indridadottir, O., & Nisco-Madden, J. (2024). Holistic Physical Assessment: A New Framework for Nursing Practice Honoring the Whole Person.
Journal of Holistic Nursing, 8980101241261261–8980101241261261.


Reflective Writing:

Write a reflective essay (500-700 words/2 to 3 pages in APA format not including title page and references) addressing the following points:

· Define holistic nursing assessment in your own words.

· Discuss the significance of incorporating a holistic approach in nursing practice.

· Reflect on a personal or clinical experience where a holistic assessment could have improved patient outcomes. If you do not have clinical experience, imagine a scenario where holistic assessment is crucial.

· Identify any challenges you anticipate in applying holistic assessments in your practice and suggest possible solutions.

Grading Rubric (total points possible: 30):

Understanding of Holistic Nursing Assessment Principles (14 points)




Needs Improvement

Comprehension of Holistic Nursing Assessment

Demonstrates a thorough and nuanced understanding of holistic nursing assessment principles; clearly defines and explains key concepts.

Shows a basic or superficial understanding of holistic nursing assessment principles; some concepts are defined but may lack depth.

Lacks understanding of holistic nursing assessment principles; definitions and explanations are unclear, incorrect or incomplete.

Depth of Reflection and Personal Insight (14 points)




Needs Improvement

Reflective Essay

Provides deep, thoughtful reflection with personal insights; clearly connects personal or clinical experiences to holistic nursing assessment; identifies challenges and solutions effectively.

Provides basic reflection with some personal insights; connections to personal or clinical experiences are weak; identifies some challenges or solutions.

Provides minimal or no reflection; lacks connection to personal or clinical experiences; fails to identify challenges or solutions.

Clarity, Coherence, and Proper Formatting of Written Work (2 points)




Needs Improvement

Writing Quality

APA Formatting

Writing is clear, coherent, and well-organized; no grammatical or spelling errors.

Consistently uses APA formatting accurately throughout the document.

Writing is somewhat clear but lacks organization; several grammatical or spelling errors.

Uses APA formatting but with several errors.

Writing is unclear and disorganized; numerous grammatical or spelling errors.

Fails to use APA formatting or has numerous errors.

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