Help with homework Assignment Outline: Cyberbullying and Sexting in Schools Court Cases and Research

Help with homework

Assignment Outline: Cyberbullying and Sexting in Schools

Court Cases and Research

Summarize (with citation)

Describe Impact

Rights and Responsibilities of Stakeholders

Student/ Family

1. Right

2. Responsibility

*Make sure you connect to a specific law or policy and cite

Teacher/ Staff

Student/ Family

1. Right

2. Responsibility

*Make sure you connect to a specific law or policy and cite

Administration/ School Board

1. Right

2. Responsibility

*Make sure you connect to a specific law or policy and cite

Examination of Teaching and Classroom Practices

Candidate describes multiple perspectives in terms of how teaching and classroom practices intersect with the selected topic/issue or the rights/responsibilities of stakeholders.

1. How it intersects with stakeholder group 1

2. How it intersects with stakeholder group 2

3. How it intersects with stakeholder group 3


1. At least 2 recommendations

2. Explain how they support the law/ policy

3. Explain tradeoffs (financial impact and impact to learning)

Undergraduate Percentage Scale:

0.00 – 57.49%

57.50 – 76.24%

76.25 – 93.74%

93.75 – 100%

Undergraduate Scaled Score:

0.0 – 0.6

0.7 – 2.1

2.2 – 3.5

3.6 – 4.0

% of Grade

Below Standard

Approaching Standard

At Standard

Exceeds Standard

Court Cases and Research


Candidate identifies court cases and/or research that have broad/vague connections to the selected topic/issue.

Candidate identifies and describes court cases and/or research with connections to the selected topic/issue.

Candidate identifies and describes court cases and research that are relevant to the selected topic/issue. More than one perspective on the topic/issue is included.

At Standard, plus:
Candidate evaluates the relative strength and impact of court cases and research with respect to the selected topic/issue.

Rights and Responsibilities of Stakeholders


Candidate identifies limited stakeholders or rights/responsibilities for the selected topic/issue.

Candidate identifies some relevant stakeholders for the topic/issue. Candidate describes general rights and/or responsibilities for the selected issue/topic.

Candidate identifies all relevant stakeholders for the topic/issue. Candidate describes both the rights and responsibilities of each stakeholder.

At Standard, plus:
Candidate evaluates the relative strength and impact of the rights and responsibilities of the stakeholders.

Examination of Teaching and Classroom Practices


Candidate describes general education practices or specific teaching and classroom practices with limited connection to the selected topic/issue.

Candidate describes general educational practices that relate generally to the selected topic/issue.

Candidate describes how relevant teaching and classroom practices intersect with the selected topic/issue.

At Standard, plus:
Candidate describes multiple perspectives in terms of how teaching and classroom practices intersect with the selected topic/issue or the rights/responsibilities of stakeholders.



Candidate makes recommendations for teaching and classroom practices that represent limited legal implications and/or stakeholder rights/responsibilities.

Candidate makes recommendations for teaching and classroom practices based on legal implications and/or stakeholder rights/responsibilities.

Candidate makes recommendations for teaching and classroom practices that reflect careful consideration of different legal implications and stakeholder rights/responsibilities. Candidate supports recommendations with references/precedents from legal cases or research.

At Standard, plus:
Candidate evaluates the extent to which recommendations address legal implications and stakeholder rights/responsibilities. Candidate describes tradeoffs in terms of suggested recommendations.



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