Help with a question in in History 17A  answer two of the following five questions. You can use your notes, the text book, and the

Help with a question in in History 17A

 answer two of the following five questions. You can use your notes, the text book, and the Power Points available in the Files. If you put honest effort into your two essays, you will get the grade of B on this Midterm. To get an A on this Midterm, please make sure to include all the standards from the Doing a Great Job on the Midterm Power Point. Remember, two of the five questions, not all of them….way too much work! 

1. Who were the 
First Americans? Where did they come from, and why did they migrate to North America? How were they able to travel from the Eastern Hemisphere to the Western Hemisphere? Describe the first definable culture, and explain why this culture spread through North America so rapidly. Describe some of the first farming cultures in North America. How did these cultures transition to farming, and what were some of their achievements? Describe the Native World on the eve of 1492.

2. Why did the 
Europeans explore, colonize, and establish empires in the Western Hemisphere after 1492 and not during the time of the Vikings five hundred years earlier? Carefully describe the various forces behind European expansion (Economic, Political, Technological, and Religious). What role did Columbus play in European Expansion? What were the impacts of European expansion for both the Western and Eastern Hemispheres after 1492?

3. Shortly after Spain established its empire in the Western Hemisphere, other European Nations explored and established colonies in North America. 
England was one of the last European nations to build lasting colonies. Why did it take England longer, and what were the very significant results of the delay? Describe the Mystery of Roanoke and the successful attempt at Jamestown. What was the story about the Separatists?

4. How far back does 
slavery go in history? Why has there been slavery, and what were the two major types? Describe the 
West African Slave 
Trade. What are the statistics associated with the West African Slave Trade? Why was West Africa the target of the slave trade? Carefully describe the process that forced a free person into enslavement. What were the cultural impacts in the Western Hemisphere during the slave trade? Are there cultural impacts today?

Describe the 
Salem Witch Trial Crisis. Who were the accused, and what happened to them? Why did this event take place? Have there been any similar events since?

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