Health & Medical Question Nursing Assignment Help

In Part 3 of the Signature Assignment, you will fully develop the components of your quality improvement project. You will continue to use the Improvement Project Worksheet from Ogrinc et al. (2022) to guide your project. This paper will address Steps 3-6:

  • Understanding the Process
  • Specific Aim
  • Measures
  •  Identify and Choose a Change Strategy

Note: It is recommended that you read or review the overview of the entire Signature Assessment series of assignments.Download overview of the entire Signature Assessment series of assignments.

Action Items

  1. Reread Chapters 3, 4, 5, 6, & 7 in Ogrinc et al. (2022).
  2. Complete Steps 3, 4, 5, 6 in the Improvement Project Worksheet (Ogrinc et al., 2022, p. 163). Copy and paste the worksheet as Appendix A at the end of your paper.
  3. Develop a 3- to 5-page paper (excluding cover page, references, and appendices) that addresses the following:
    1. Quality improvement process
      1. Context – Readiness to change
      2. Evidence of teamwork quality culture
      3. Diagnosis of system performance
      4. Process map
      5. Fishbone diagram
    2. Aims of this project
      1. SMART Goal
      2. Process Aim
    3. Measurements (target/benchmarks)
      1. Desired results
      2. How will you know the change is an improvement (measurement)?
    4. Strategies to implement the change
      1. Identify a quality improvement model and describe how you would apply it to this project.
  4. By the due date indicated, upload your paper.

Grading Criteria

Please refer to the rubric for information on how your work will be assessed. Please also ask your instructor for any clarification as needed.

This assignment is also used to assess DNP Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) through the rubric. The PLO assessment will appear as separate rows within the rubric; they will not contribute points to the assignment.

For your information, the following PLOs are being assessed:

  • PLO 3: Strategically lead improvements in health outcomes, quality, safety, and policy.
  • PLO 4: Develop interprofessional teams that promote quality care, reduce risk, and improve complex healthcare delivery systems.


Signature Assignment 3

Signature Assignment 3


This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroduction & Conclusion

10 to >9.0 pts

The student introduces the topic and indicates the purpose of the paper thoroughly, and provides sufficient background information on the topic and presents clearly how the information is connected to their understanding of the topic(s). The student’s conclusion expertly summarizes how they have developed a deeper understanding and provide abundant evidence of critical thought.

9 to >8.0 pts

The student introduces the topic and indicates the purpose of the paper, and provides background information on the topic and presents how the information is connected to their understanding regarding the topic(s). The student’s conclusion summarizes how they have developed some understanding and provide evidence of critical thought.

8 to >0 pts

The student does not introduce the topic or indicate the purpose of the paper, or does not provide background information on the topic or present how the information is connected to their understanding on the topic(s). The student’s conclusion fails to summarize how they have developed understanding and/or did not provide evidence of critical thought.

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTopic Information (CLO 2, 3 PLO 3, 4)

40 to >34.0 pts

The student completes steps 3, 4, 5, 6 in the Improvement Project Worksheet. The student includes a thorough treatment of all points in the instructions, includes well-developed discussions of the main ideas of what they have learned as they compiled their findings and reflection to write the paper, and provides abundant evidence of analysis and critical thought.

34 to >33.0 pts

The student completes steps 3, 4, 5, 6 in the Improvement Project Worksheet. The student includes a summary of treatment of all points in the instructions, includes discussions of the main ideas of what they have learned as they compiled their findings and/or reflection to write the paper, and provides evidence of analysis and critical thought. The content is somewhat accurate and relevant.

33 to >0 pts

The student completes some or all of the steps 3, 4, 5, 6 in the Improvement Project Worksheet, but poorly – or not at all. The student does not include a satisfactory treatment of all points in the instructions, or discussions of the main points of what they have learned as they compiled their findings or reflection to write the paper. They provide little evidence of analysis or critical thought. The content is neither accurate nor relevant.

40 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting Requirements (CLO 4)

40 to >34.0 pts

The content flows and is exceptionally well-organized, logical, and meets the length requirement; uses correct English grammar and sentence structure; demonstrates no spelling errors or typographical errors.

34 to >33.0 pts

The content flows, exhibits a somewhat logical progression, and meets the length requirement; uses correct English grammar and sentence structure with few errors; demonstrates few spelling errors or typographical errors.

33 to >0 pts

The student does not follow APA guidelines in citing and referencing sources, uses few scholarly resources to support their rationale, and includes a title page and references page that does not follow APA guidelines. The content does not flow or progress logically; does not use correct English grammar, sentence structure, or mechanics.

40 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA Requirements (CLO 4)

10 to >9.0 pts

The student follows APA guidelines in citing and referencing sources, uses scholarly resources as required to support their rationale, and includes a title page and references page that follows APA guidelines.

9 to >8.0 pts

The student mostly follows APA guidelines in citing and referencing sources, uses some scholarly resources as required to support their rationale, and includes a title page and references page that mostly follows APA guidelines.

8 to >0 pts

The student does not follow APA guidelines in citing and referencing sources, uses few scholarly resources to support their rationale, and includes a title page and references page that does not follow APA guidelines.

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePLO 3: Strategically lead improvements in health outcomes, quality, safety, and policy.

threshold: 3.0 pts

3 ptsProficient

2 ptsAcceptable

1 ptsUnacceptable

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePLO 4: Develop interprofessional teams that promote quality care, reduce risk, and improve complex healthcare delivery systems.

threshold: 3.0 pts

3 ptsProficient

2 ptsAcceptable

1 ptsUnacceptable

Total Points: 100

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In this paper, we will fully develop the components of a quality improvement project in the medical field. The project will follow the Improvement Project Worksheet from Ogrinc et al. (2022) and cover Steps 3-6. These steps include understanding the process, setting specific aims, identifying measures, and choosing a change strategy. This project aims to strategically lead improvements in health outcomes, quality, safety, and policy while also developing interprofessional teams that promote quality care, reduce risk, and improve complex healthcare delivery systems.

Quality Improvement Process:

The quality improvement process involves several key components that are essential for achieving positive outcomes. These components include understanding the readiness for change, evidence of teamwork quality culture, diagnosis of system performance, process mapping, and the creation of a fishbone diagram. Each of these components plays a crucial role in identifying areas for improvement and implementing effective strategies.

Context – Readiness to Change:

The first component of the quality improvement process is understanding the readiness for change. This involves assessing the current state of the organization or healthcare setting and determining whether there is a willingness and capacity for change. It is important to evaluate factors such as leadership support, available resources, and staff engagement to ensure that the necessary conditions are in place to drive successful improvement efforts.

Evidence of Teamwork Quality Culture:

Effective teamwork is essential for promoting quality in healthcare. Creating a culture of teamwork involves fostering an environment where collaboration, communication, and shared decision-making are valued. This can be achieved through initiatives such as team-building exercises, interprofessional education programs, and regular feedback sessions. By promoting a teamwork quality culture, healthcare organizations can enhance patient outcomes and deliver safer and more efficient care.

Diagnosis of System Performance:

To identify areas for improvement, it is important to conduct a thorough diagnosis of system performance. This involves gathering data, analyzing processes, and identifying potential areas of inefficiency or error. By conducting a comprehensive evaluation, healthcare organizations can gain insights into the root causes of performance issues and develop targeted strategies for improvement.

Process Map:

A process map is a visual representation of the steps involved in a particular healthcare process. It provides a clear and concise overview of the sequence of activities, stakeholders involved, and potential points of intervention. By creating a process map, healthcare organizations can identify bottlenecks, redundancies, and opportunities for streamlining processes and improving overall efficiency.

Fishbone Diagram:

A fishbone diagram, also known as a cause-and-effect diagram, is a tool used to identify and analyze the root causes of a problem. It visually represents the various factors that contribute to a particular issue, helping to identify potential areas for intervention and improvement. By utilizing a fishbone diagram, healthcare organizations can gain a better understanding of the complex interplay of factors that influence system performance and design targeted strategies to address them.

Aims of This Project:

The aims of this quality improvement project include setting a SMART goal and establishing a process aim.


The SMART goal is a specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound objective that guides the quality improvement project. It provides a clear target for improvement and helps to align efforts towards a common purpose. In this project, the SMART goal would be tailored to the specific context and objectives of the healthcare organization or setting.

Process Aim:

The process aim is focused on improving a specific component or aspect of the healthcare process. It may involve reducing waiting times, improving communication between healthcare providers, or enhancing patient engagement, among other possibilities. The process aim should be aligned with the broader goals and objectives of the quality improvement project.

Measurements (Target/Benchmarks):

To evaluate the impact of the quality improvement project, it is necessary to establish measurements and benchmarks. These provide a means of assessing progress and determining whether the implemented changes have resulted in desired outcomes. Measurements may include quantitative data such as reduction in medication errors or improvement in patient satisfaction scores, as well as qualitative data such as feedback from healthcare providers and patients.

Desired Results:

The desired results of the quality improvement project are the positive outcomes that are expected to be achieved through the implemented changes. These may include improvements in patient safety, enhanced quality of care, increased efficiency, and better health outcomes. It is important to clearly define the desired results to ensure that the project is focused on tangible and meaningful improvements.

How Will You Know the Change is an Improvement (Measurement)?

To determine whether the implemented change is an improvement, it is crucial to establish a measurement plan. This plan should outline the specific metrics and indicators that will be used to assess the impact of the change. By regularly collecting and analyzing data, healthcare organizations can track progress, identify areas for further improvement, and make data-driven decisions.

Strategies to Implement the Change:

To implement the desired change, it is important to identify a quality improvement model and describe how it will be applied to the project. Quality improvement models provide a systematic approach for identifying areas for improvement, developing and implementing interventions, and evaluating the impact of the changes. Examples of quality improvement models include the Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycle, Lean Six Sigma, and the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) Model for Improvement. The chosen model should align with the goals and objectives of the quality improvement project and provide a framework for effective implementation.


In conclusion, the quality improvement process involves several key components, including understanding the readiness for change, creating a teamwork quality culture, diagnosing system performance, creating process maps, and utilizing fishbone diagrams. The aims of the project include setting a SMART goal and establishing a process aim, while measurements and benchmarks are used to evaluate progress and determine if the change is an improvement. Finally, implementing the desired change requires the identification and application of a quality improvement model. By following these steps, healthcare organizations can effectively improve health outcomes, enhance quality and safety, and develop interprofessional teams.

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