Health & Medical Question Nursing Assignment Help

5-page paper, laying out the advantages and disadvantages of each in-house collections function vs. an outsourced third-party collections (TPC) function options.

HINT: Write this paper as a recommendation but avoid the use of first-person (this is an APA guideline).

For this paper, put yourself in the position of a medical practice manager of business operations. Make a recommendation to the medical practitioners who own the practice on the pros and cons of an in-house collections function vs. an outsourced third-party collections (TPC) function. The recommendation itself is not important; rather, It is important to focus on the pros and cons of running an in-house versus outsourced TPC operation. The advantages and disadvantages of each method covered in this paper are up to you, but here are just a few things you need to think about and consider (there could be more):




Tech support

Experience required in this field.

Regulatory guidance

Patient Satisfaction

Paper requirements:

Abstract: Not required in papers of this length. Do not include one.

Introduction: describe the purpose of the paper. Keep it on the brief side. One short 4-6 sentence paragraph should suffice.

Main body: discuss the pros and cons of each option. Also, this is the area to make your recommendation.

Conclusion: summarize the purpose of the paper and why it is important to the reader. Like the introduction step, keep it rather brief. One 4-6 sentence paragraph should suffice. Do not make your recommendation in this area as you never bring new information into the conclusion step in APA format.

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The purpose of this paper is to compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of in-house collections functions versus outsourced third-party collections (TPC) functions in a medical practice setting. As the medical practice manager of business operations, the recommendation on whether to opt for an in-house or outsourced TPC function will be based on careful evaluation of the pros and cons of each method. Factors to be considered include staffing, costs, software, tech support, experience required in this field, regulatory guidance, and patient satisfaction.

Main Body:

In-House Collections Function:

One of the advantages of an in-house collections function is the ability to have direct control over the process. The medical practice can choose and train its own staff, ensuring that they understand the specific requirements and challenges of the practice. This allows for personalized patient interactions and a deeper knowledge of the practice’s policies and procedures.

Additionally, an in-house collections function may result in more cost-effective operations. By eliminating the need to pay third-party fees, the medical practice can retain a higher percentage of the collected funds. Furthermore, any software or technological investments can be tailored to suit the specific needs of the practice, potentially leading to increased efficiency and accuracy.

However, there are also drawbacks to an in-house collections function. Staffing can be a challenge as it requires hiring and training individuals with the necessary expertise in both collections and medical billing. This can be time-consuming and may require ongoing training to keep up with changing regulations and practices. Additionally, maintaining and updating the required software and providing technical support can be a burden for the practice’s IT department.

Outsourced Third-Party Collections (TPC) Function:

Outsourcing the collections function to a third-party provider has its own set of advantages. One of the main benefits is the reduction in staffing requirements. The medical practice does not need to allocate resources towards hiring and training collection staff, as the third-party provider takes care of this responsibility. This allows the practice to focus on core patient care activities.

Moreover, outsourcing collections can be cost-effective in terms of both upfront costs and ongoing maintenance. The third-party provider typically has established systems and software in place, reducing the need for significant investments from the medical practice. Additionally, the provider’s experience and expertise in collections can lead to higher collection rates and quicker resolution of outstanding payments.

However, outsourcing collections also has its disadvantages. The medical practice may have less control over the process, as the third-party provider operates independently. This can lead to a potential decrease in patient satisfaction, as interactions with the collections agency may not align with the practice’s values and patient-centric approach. It is essential to thoroughly vet the reputation and track record of potential third-party providers to ensure alignment with the practice’s goals and values.

Overall Recommendation:

Based on the evaluation of the pros and cons, it is recommended that the medical practice consider outsourcing the collections function to a reputable third-party provider. This recommendation is based on the potential cost savings, reduced staffing requirements, and the expertise and experience that a dedicated collections agency can bring to the table. However, careful consideration should be given to selecting a provider that aligns with the practice’s values and maintains a high level of patient satisfaction.


In conclusion, the decision between running an in-house collections function versus opting for an outsourced third-party collections (TPC) function in a medical practice requires careful consideration of various factors. This paper has discussed the advantages and disadvantages of each method, including staffing requirements, costs, software and tech support, experience required, regulatory guidance, and patient satisfaction. The ultimate recommendation made is for the medical practice to outsource the collections function to a reputable third-party provider, taking into account the potential benefits and carefully evaluating the alignment with the practice’s goals and values.

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