Health & Medical Question Nursing Assignment Help

Propose a high-level quality improvement initiative for a selected departmental strategic priority, and choose an effective method of presenting your proposal to executive leaders and other stakeholders in the organization and community.


Choose one strategic priority from the departmental strategic plan you developed in Assessment 3 as the focus of a proposed quality improvement initiative. 

Note: The assessments in this course must be completed in the order presented; subsequent assessments should be built on both your earlier work and your instructor’s feedback on earlier assessments. If you choose to submit assessments prematurely, without considering and integrating your instructor’s feedback, your assessment may be returned ungraded, resulting in your loss of an assessment attempt.


Develop a presentation of your proposed high-level quality improvement ?initiative for executive leaders and other stakeholders in the organization and community.

Be creative in showcasing your proposal. Choose a presentation method you consider to be both engaging and likely to garner the necessary support and buy-in. For example, you might consider any of the following methods, or something different.

Marketing brochure.


  • Audio or video slide presentation.
  • Executive summary.
  • Whichever method you choose, consider the information needs of your intended audience, their communication preferences, and possible time constraints on processing your proposal.
  • Evaluation

The following tasks correspond to the grading criteria in the scoring guide, so be sure to address each point in the presentation of your proposed quality improvement initiative. Read the performance-level descriptions for each criterion to see how your work will be assessed.

Explain the rationale for establishing a strategic priority. 

Describe the overarching aim and focus of your proposed quality improvement initiative.

Use the evidence-based literature to provide broad rationale for establishing this priority.

  • Present the key points from a SWOT analysis of a chosen strategic priority. 

Consider the organization’s political landscape and strategic priorities.

  • Identify key performance indicators for measuring the success of a quality improvement initiative. 
  • For example: infection rates, customer satisfaction, financial performance indicators, productivity, nurse satisfaction, or other internal metric.
  • These indicators could align with those identified on the departmental balanced scorecard.

Explain the value of stakeholder feedback and the process for collaborating with stakeholders on the proposed quality improvement initiative. 

  • Identify key stakeholders and explain why their support for this initiative is crucial to its success.
  • Explain how you will leverage stakeholder feedback.

Explain how one contemporary change theory could be used to facilitate changes inherent in implementing a quality improvement ?initiative.

  • Make policy recommendations to support the proposed quality improvement ?initiative. 
  • Your recommendations could entail developing a new policy, revising a current policy, or retiring a current policy.
  • Describe the policy implications of this initiative and their impact on the organization.

Justify your recommendations.

  • Communicate clearly and concisely in a form and style appropriate for the audience and for the substance, purpose, and context of the message being conveyed. 
  • Consider the needs of your audience.
  • Be succinct and mindful of communication best practices.

Expert Solution Preview

The proposed high-level quality improvement initiative focuses on one strategic priority from the departmental strategic plan developed in Assessment 3. The goal is to present a quality improvement initiative to executive leaders and other stakeholders in the organization and community. This initiative aims to address the identified priority and drive positive change within the organization.

To effectively present the proposed high-level quality improvement initiative to executive leaders and stakeholders, the chosen method of presentation will be an executive summary. This method is concise and provides a comprehensive overview of the initiative, making it suitable for busy executives and stakeholders who have limited time for processing lengthy documents.

The rationale for establishing a strategic priority is essential in gaining support and buy-in from executive leaders and stakeholders. The executive summary will clearly and succinctly explain the rationale behind the selected priority. It will highlight the significance of addressing this priority and how it aligns with the organization’s overall goals and strategic priorities.

Additionally, the executive summary will outline the overarching aim and focus of the proposed quality improvement initiative. It will concisely describe the specific objectives and outcomes expected from implementing this initiative. By presenting a clear vision and purpose, executive leaders and stakeholders will understand the purpose of the initiative and its impact on the organization and community.

An evidence-based literature review will be included to provide broad rationale for establishing the selected priority. This will involve presenting key points from a SWOT analysis to assess the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats associated with the chosen strategic priority. The analysis will consider the organization’s political landscape and strategic priorities, providing a comprehensive understanding of the context in which the quality improvement initiative is proposed.

To measure the success of the quality improvement initiative, key performance indicators (KPIs) will be identified. These KPIs could include infection rates, customer satisfaction, financial performance indicators, and other relevant metrics. The chosen KPIs will align with the departmental balanced scorecard, ensuring that the initiative’s success is measured in a comprehensive and well-rounded manner.

The value of stakeholder feedback will be emphasized, and the process for collaborating with stakeholders on the proposed quality improvement initiative will be explained. Key stakeholders will be identified, and their support will be highlighted as crucial to the success of the initiative. The executive summary will outline specific strategies for soliciting and leveraging stakeholder feedback to shape and improve the initiative throughout its implementation.

A contemporary change theory will be presented to demonstrate how it can be utilized to facilitate changes inherent in implementing the quality improvement initiative. The theory selected will align with the goals and objectives of the initiative, enabling a systematic and effective approach to change management.

Policy recommendations will be made to support the proposed quality improvement initiative. These recommendations may involve developing a new policy, revising a current policy, or retiring an existing policy. The executive summary will describe the policy implications of the initiative and its potential impact on the organization. Justification for these recommendations will be clearly articulated, ensuring executive leaders and stakeholders understand the necessity and benefits of these proposed policy changes.

Finally, clear and concise communication will be ensured throughout the executive summary. The form and style of the summary will be appropriate for the intended audience and the substance, purpose, and context of the message being conveyed. The needs of the audience will be considered, with a focus on being succinct and mindful of communication best practices. This will enable executive leaders and stakeholders to easily grasp the information presented and support the proposed quality improvement initiative.

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