Hands On Lab 5: Appendicular Skeletal System Submission instructions: Type your answers and copy all pictures directly into

Hands On Lab 5: Appendicular Skeletal System

Submission instructions: Type your answers and copy all pictures directly into this Word document. Submit it via the blackboard submission link in Word format (docx).


We reviewed the major features of the axial skeleton in the previous lab and will now look at the bones that make up the upper and lower limbs of the body, our appendages.

This lab will teach you the appendicular skeleton as well as review your bone markings from the previous lab. Remember that bone markings are holes, ridges, projections, etc. that serve as attachments for muscles, and provide routes for blood vessels and nerves.

*If you would like to use the Connect Practice Atlas, please look at the intro to lab 4 for where to find it.

Watch these:

Bozeman Science: The Skeleton (link opens in new window-7:59): generalized view of the skeletal system and includes physiology.

Skeleton Dance (link opens in new window-5:11) Need a break from all that studying? Watch this silly Skeleton Dance from Walt Disney, it’s a classic (1929).

In Lab 4, there were 2 Crash Course skeletal video links if you’d like to review those.

Activity 1: Virtual Appendicular Skeleton Lab

The virtual skeleton laboratory will teach the bones of each skeletal division and the major bone markings.

Virtual Appendicular Skeleton Lab (opens new window)

Click on the lab and go through all of the sections. Please see the
Module 3 Lab Study Objectives for all of the appendicular skeleton markings you are responsible for. You are not required to learn any markings in the virtual lab that are not on this list.

Activity 2: Pectoral Girdle

Identify the bones and markings of the pectoral girdle. Each letter will only be used once. (1 point each)



2. Vertebral border

3. Clavicle

4. Glenoid cavity

5. Scapular spine

6. Superior angle

7. Scapula

8. Axillary border

9. Coracoid process

10. Acromion

11. Inferior angle

Activity 3: Upper Limb

Identify the bones and markings of the arm. Each letter will only be used once.

12. Trochlea

13. Radial tuberosity

14. Olecranon process

15. Lesser tubercle

16. Trochlear notch

17. Greater tubercle

18. Humerus______

19. Capitulum

20. Ulna________

21. Coronoid process

22. Radius

Activity 4: Pelvic Girdle

Identify the bones and markings of the pelvic girdle. Each letter will only be used once.

23. Pubic symphysis

24. Acetabulum

25. Ilium

26. Pubis ______

27. Obturator foramen

28. Ischium

Activity 5: Lower Limb

Identify the bones and markings of the leg. Each letter will only be used once.


30. Lateral condyle

31. Greater trochanter

32. Fibula_____

33. Medial malleolus

34. Lesser trochanter

35. Medial epicondyle

36. Lateral epicondyle

37. Patella

38. Tibia

39. Intercondylar eminence

40. Femur

41. Intercondylar fossa_____

42. Medial condyle

43. Tibial tuberosity

44. Lateral malleolus

Activity 6: Hand and Foot

Name the 3 groups of bones that form the hand:




Name the 3 groups of bones that form the foot:




Identify each wrist bone. Each letter will only be used once. (1 point each)


52. Scaphoid

53. Trapezoid

54. Triquetrum

55. Trapezium

56. Pisiform____

57. Capitate

58. Hamate_____

59. Lunate

Identify each ankle bone. Each letter will only be used once. (1 point each)


61. Talus____

62. Lateral cuneiform

63. Calcaneus_____

64. Navicular

65. Cuboid

66. Medial cuneiform

67. Intermediate cuneiform

*All images in this lab are copyright of McGraw-Hill







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