H430HSC4500 RU Epidemiology Health & Medical Question Nursing Assignment Help

Module 03 Content

The next step in your course project assignment is to research and explain past and current key preventive and control measures that have been taken with respect to the disease you’ve chosen to study.Requirements:

In 2-3 paragraphs, summarize the historical approach to prevention and control of the disease.

In 2-3 paragraphs, summarize the current approach to prevention and control of the disease.

  1. List at least two new research sources you’ve identified that you think have information relevant to the disease you’re researching. These sources should be different from those already cited. Include URLs to specific articles or Web pages.

Your paper should:

be at least 1 page in length.

cite research sources in APA format.

be free of spelling and grammar errors.

Submit your completed assignment to the drop box below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.Save your assignment as a Microsoft Word document. (Mac users, please remember to append the “.docx” extension to the filename.) The name of the file should be your first initial and last name, followed by an underscore and the name of the assignment, and an underscore and the date. An example is shown below:Jstudent_exampleproblem_101504Rubric Details
Maximum Score100 points

  1. Historical Approaches
    30% of total gradeMastery: Advanced or exceeds achievementStudent provides three or more paragraphs with detailed summation of the historical approach to prevention and control of the disease.30Proficiency: Clear/effective achievementStudent provides two or more paragraphs with sufficient summation of the historical approach to prevention and control of the disease.25.5Competence: Adequate/basic achievementStudent provides two paragraphs with basic summation of the historical approach to prevention and control of the disease.22.5Emerging: Limited or growing achievementStudent provides fewer than two paragraphs and/or insufficient summation of the historical approach to prevention and control of the disease.16.5
  2. Current Approaches
    30% of total gradeMastery: Advanced or exceeds achievementStudent provides three or more paragraphs with detailed summation of the current approach to prevention and control of the disease.30Proficiency: Clear/effective achievementStudent provides two or more paragraphs with sufficient summation of the current approach to prevention and control of the disease.25.5Competence: Adequate/basic achievementStudent provides two paragraphs with basic summation of the current approach to prevention and control of the disease.22.5Emerging: Limited or growing achievementStudent provides fewer than two paragraphs and/or insufficient summation of the current approach to prevention and control of the disease.16.5
  3. Relevant Sources
    30% of total gradeMastery: Advanced or exceeds achievementStudent provides three or more new sources relevant to their selected disease; links are provided for all.30Proficiency: Clear/effective achievementStudent provides two or more new sources relevant to their selected disease; links are provided for all.25.5Competence: Adequate/basic achievementStudent provides one or two new sources relevant to their selected disease; links are not provided for all.22.5Emerging: Limited or growing achievementStudent does not provide new sources relevant to their selected disease and/or links are not provided for all.16.5

Expert Solution Preview

In this assignment, we will be exploring the historical and current approaches to prevention and control of a specific disease. It is important for medical professionals to understand the evolution of preventive measures and the current strategies being used in order to effectively combat diseases. Additionally, we will identify new research sources that provide relevant information about the chosen disease. This assignment is aimed at enhancing your research skills and expanding your knowledge about disease prevention and control.

1. Historical Approach to Prevention and Control of the Disease:
In the past, the approach to preventing and controlling the chosen disease focused primarily on isolation and quarantine measures. During outbreaks, infected individuals were isolated to prevent the spread of the disease to others. Quarantine measures were also implemented, where individuals who were exposed to the disease but not yet showing symptoms were monitored and prevented from coming into contact with healthy individuals. These measures were effective in limiting the spread of the disease, but they often led to social stigma and isolation of affected individuals.

Furthermore, public health campaigns were conducted to promote hygiene practices and raise awareness about the disease. Emphasis was placed on personal cleanliness, proper sanitation, and vaccination. For example, the introduction of vaccines significantly contributed to the prevention and control of diseases such as polio and measles. Despite these efforts, disease outbreaks still occurred due to limited access to healthcare and challenges in implementing preventive measures in certain communities.

2. Current Approach to Prevention and Control of the Disease:
The current approach to preventing and controlling the chosen disease is multifaceted and combines various strategies. Firstly, public health organizations focus on early detection and surveillance to identify and track cases of the disease. Rapid diagnostic tests and improved laboratory techniques have greatly aided in timely identification and prompt interventions. This allows for targeted prevention measures and quick response to outbreaks.

Another key aspect of the current approach is vaccination. Vaccines play a crucial role in preventing the disease by boosting immunity and reducing the likelihood of transmission. Vaccination campaigns are often implemented to target vulnerable populations and ensure widespread coverage. Additionally, hygiene practices and infection control measures, such as hand hygiene, proper waste management, and disinfection protocols, are emphasized to limit the spread of the disease. Education and awareness programs are also conducted to inform individuals about prevention measures and promote healthy behaviors.

Moreover, advancements in technology and telemedicine have facilitated remote monitoring and clinical consultations. This enables early intervention and reduces the burden on healthcare systems. At the community level, community engagement and involvement are encouraged to ensure the effective implementation of preventive measures and to address any misconceptions or concerns.

In conclusion, the historical approach to prevention and control of the chosen disease focused on isolation, quarantine, and public health campaigns. The current approach encompasses early detection, vaccination, infection control, education, and community engagement. These strategies are continuously evolving as new research and technologies become available, leading to more effective prevention and control measures for the chosen disease.

Relevant Sources:
1. “Title of Article or Study” – [URL]
This research article provides in-depth insights into the latest preventive strategies and control measures for the chosen disease. It discusses the effectiveness of vaccination campaigns, the role of surveillance systems, and the impact of community engagement on disease control. The article also highlights the importance of early detection and prompt intervention in reducing the burden of the disease.

2. “Title of Another Article or Study” – [URL]
This study explores the historical context of disease prevention and control for the chosen disease. It examines the evolution of preventive measures over time and assesses their effectiveness. The article also discusses the challenges faced in implementing prevention strategies and provides recommendations for future interventions.

Please note that the URLs provided here are placeholders and should be replaced with actual URLs of the identified research sources.

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