Go to YouTube.com and search for “College Student Informative Speech”

Go to YouTube.com and search for “College Student Informative Speech” or “College Student Persuasive Speech”. The presentation should include a speaker/presenter (that you can see and hear) delivering a message. You cannot choose a professional presentation such as TEDx or TEDTalk. 

Here are a few of the categories your instructor will use for evaluating your speech this week. See if you can use these categories to assess the speech you find online. You are not required to provide feedback in all of these areas for the speech you select for this discussion board. It is helpful and useful for you to see these categories and it’s a great starting point for constructive feedback for the presenter you’re evaluating from YouTube.


Dressed appropriately for a formal presentation
Eye Contact
Tone – Conversational
Tone/Energy/Enthusiasm for topic
Knew topic well/freedom from notes
Visual Aid


Started with an attention getter
Introduced topic and previewed the key ideas
Key ideas were well organized/used transition statements between key ideas
Wording of Presentation
Conclusion – Summarize Key Ideas
Cited two sources within the presentation
Background Elements

In your original post, post the link to the speech and respond to each of the following in complete sentences with supporting information:

  • What type of speech is this (informative or persuasive)?
  • What’s the main difference between an informative and persuasive speech?
  • Using some of the evaluation areas listed above, provide at least 3 pieces of constructive feedback for the presenter.

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