For this week’s assignment, using the information from the sources you have collected for your research topic, you will create a working outline of your

For this week’s assignment, using the information from the sources you have collected for your research topic, you will create a working outline of your argumentative paper. 

Following the guidelines explained here, ensure that your outline includes the following: 

1.     the thesis and key points of your argumentative paper

2.     complete sentences of key ideas as illustrated in this video and this video transcript link

outlinng example watch at

3.     source citations in APA formatting

  1. a list of references

Also, you might want to review the following resources on how to develop an effective thesis statement:

·       How a thesis statement fits with the rest of the essay watch at 

·      I attached a file name writing a paper thesis statement

·      How to write a killer thesis statement watch at 

For this week’s discussion forum, please follow the steps below: 

1.     Choose one source from the articles you have collected on your topic so far.

2.     Provide an example of paraphrasing, quoting, and summarizing with appropriate APA formatting. Make sure you label each section and include the original source for the paraphrase and quote.

3.     Ensure to include proper signal phrases with correct APA formatting and relevant punctuation and the original text (except for the summary). Also, label each example as shown on this page.

*Note: Do not include a Word document as an attachment. Instead, type your response in Word and then copy and paste it directly into Moodle. Make sure you proofread because part of your grade comes from accuracy in using APA format.  As for your response to two students’ posts, check that they have cited their sources properly and used signal phrases.

Click here to see the grading criteria for this discussion forum. 

To earn full credit, post an initial response of 500 words that includes at least one APA citation and the associated reference  and post a substantive response of 200 words with APA citations to at least two class members

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