Family Policy

 BA. (Ord) Social Care. Year 1 Module: Social Policy in Context. Assessment brief: You are beings asked to evaluate a key aspect of policy relating to this area. To do this, you are required to write a 500 word evaluation as follows: 1. FAMILY POLICY: “Evaluate the activation measures introduced to support lone parent families back to work as a family policy in Irish Society”. In doing so discuss: Background to family policy: What is family policy? What is the aim of family policy? What recent policy framework aims to influence the position of families in Irish society? Introducing the position of OPF in Ireland today: What is the position of One Parent Family in Ireland today? Rationale for the payments: What is the background to payments for One Parent Family? Why were they introduced? What concerns emerged about One Parent Family payments? What are the recent changes and rational for changes to One Parent Family payments? Analyse: What are the consequences of the changes for OPFs? Think about their aim and the reality for some OPF. Evaluate: Evaluate the effectiveness of these activation measures as a family policy. Identify what recommendations have been made to how this policy approach is pursued and administered, why and by whom? What does this tell you about the policy making process and what factors influence how social policies are designed and delivered. Conclusion. Examples of resources to use for writing this essay: • Crosse, R. and Millar, M (2015) ‘Parenting alone in contemporary Ireland’ in O’Doherty, C. and Jackson, A. (Eds.) Learning on the Job. Cork: Oak Tree Press, pp.184-204. • Department of Social, Community and Family Affairs (2006) Government Discussion Paper: Proposals for Supporting Lone Parents, Dublin: Department of Social, Community and Family Affairs • Fahey, T. (2006) ‘Family and family policy’ in Healy, S., Reynolds, B. and Collins, M. (eds.) Social Policy in Ireland. Principles, Practice and Problems, (2nd ed.) Dublin: Liffey Press,pp. 385-402 or • Kiely, G. (1999) ‘The family and social policy’ in Kiely, G., O’Donnell, A., Kennedy, P. and Quin, S. (eds.) Irish Social Policy in Context, Dublin: UCD Press, pp. 254-267 • Kiernan, K. (2017) ‘One Family presentation to Joint Committee on Social Protection Supporting Lone Parents into work or education’ available from • Millar, M and Crosse, R. (2016) Lone Parents and Activation, What Works and Why: A Review of the International Evidence in the Irish Context. The UNESCO Child and Family Research Centre, National University of Ireland, Galway. Executive Summary only Websites: Citizens information website for details on current payments to OPF Pre-budget submission by One Family One family website:

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