Evaluating Zoo Captivity: Utilitarian, Kantian, and Virtue Ethical Perspectives From a utilitarian standpoint, the general well-being and enjoyment of

Evaluating Zoo Captivity: Utilitarian, Kantian, and Virtue Ethical Perspectives

From a utilitarian standpoint, the general well-being and enjoyment of humans and animals should be the main priorities. Utilitarians assess if the advantages of zoos—such as public awareness, education, and conservation initiatives—balance the pain that captive animals endure. An advocate of utilitarianism would contend that zoos are justifiable if they contribute significantly to education and conservation without endangering the animals. However, keeping zoos would be considered unethical if the detrimental effects on animal welfare outweigh these advantages (Bentham, 1789). Thus, zoo visits would also be examined through this lens; if they help conservation and serve a greater good, they would be acceptable, but care should be taken to ensure that the animals suffer as little harm as possible.

On the other hand, Kantian ethics emphasizes the values of obligation and respect for people as ends in and of themselves rather than only as means to an end. According to Immanuel Kant’s moral philosophy, deeds are ethically justified if they uphold each person’s fundamental autonomy and dignity (Kant, 1785). According to this argument, it is unethical to keep animals in zoos since doing so disregards the intrinsic worth of these creatures and treats them as nothing more than tools for human amusement, knowledge, or financial gain. Since zoo imprisonment ignores animals’ autonomy and intrinsic rights, Kantian ethics would be against it. Thus, going to zoos would also be problematic since it would be interpreted as implicitly endorsing the unethical practice of confining animals.

Virtue ethics evaluates zoo captivity based on an individual’s moral character and virtues by considering how well it reflects characteristics like justice, compassion, and respect for life. A virtue ethicist would contend that moral behavior should uphold the welfare of all sentient creatures and reflect virtue. Zoos may be justified if their administration promotes human virtues, shows genuine concern for the welfare of the animals, and helps animals. On the other hand, zoo operations would be considered unethical if they did not adhere to these values and caused pain to the animals. Therefore, one should base their decision to visit a zoo on how well it aligns with moral behavior and the actual well-being of the animals.

To sum up, utilitarianism could defend zoos if they result in greater overall good than harm, Kantian ethics would probably denounce them as immoral because they violate animals’ rights, and virtue ethics would assess them according to how well they conform to moral principles and regard for the welfare of animals. Every viewpoint offers a unique method for evaluating the ethics of seeing zoo animals and keeping them in captivity.


Bentham, J. (1789). An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation. Clarendon Press.

Kant, I. (1785). Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals. Cambridge University Press.

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