ENG 130 Module Three Written Response Template Summaries, Quotes, and Paraphrases Complete this template by replacing the bracketed text with the

ENG 130 Module Three Written Response Template
Summaries, Quotes, and Paraphrases

Complete this template by replacing the bracketed text with the relevant information.

Write a brief
summary of the text chosen for the project. [Insert text.]

Choose one sentence from the text and incorporate it as a
quote in an original sentence. [Insert text.]

Take the same sentence from the text and incorporate it as a
paraphrase in an original sentence.
[Insert text.]

in-text citations throughout the assignment to properly cite the writer’s ideas according to APA or MLA standards.

· Use either APA or MLA standards to properly cite the writer’s ideas in your summary as well as in the sentences where you quoted and paraphrased the writer’s work.


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