Overview: The purpose of this assignment is to research, evaluate, and understand valid, reliable, fair, and appropriate assessment tools used in schools to screen, diagnose, and measure student academic achievement. There are 2 Assessment Evaluation assignments in the course, each with a different focus. They are:

LITERACY FOCUS, which all candidates complete (Assessment Evaluation 1 – Reading)

CONTENT FOCUS*, which is specific to your degree program.

*Assessment Evaluation 2 – (Behavioral, Remediation, or Intervention)

Reading Specialist candidates will complete a remediation evaluation with a focus on reading, spelling, and/or writing.

Special education candidates will complete an intervention evaluation with a focus on reading or behavior.

School counselor candidates will complete an intervention evaluation with a focus on behavior.

Math Specialist candidates will complete a remediation evaluation with math concepts.

Note: Be sure to complete the correct focus area for Assessment Evaluation 2.

Since education assessment instruments are costly and not listed in the course materials, this assignment consists of researching and evaluating assessment instruments. If your school has any education kit(s) discussed in this assignment, you are permitted to review the testing materials on your own, however, this is not required. A citation would be included on the reference page.


Specific Guidelines for the Assessment Evaluations


Step 1 – Research

Select 4 instruments from the Approved Assessment Instruments List. (See separate document.)

Using Buros Mental Measurements, examine 4 measurement studies or measurement reviews about the existing measures from the Approved Assessment Instruments List. There should be 4 assessments reviewed for both Assessment Evaluation assignments (8 total).

Critically analyze the measures, addressing strengths and weaknesses. There is a data collection template provided to ease the process of collecting information. This template is submitted with the assignment. Each critical analysis should include the following:

A Summary of the assessment instrument with clear, specific information unique to the instrument, including the population who could be tested with the instrument.

An analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the measure. There must be a minimum of 2 reasons to support each one.

Justification for why the measurement would be an appropriate measure for different populations.

Repeat #3 for each of the 4 instruments.

Use a separate data collection template for each instrument. Save each as a Microsoft Word document labeled: instrumentname.doc

NOTE: When submitting the evaluation, these separate templates must be compiled, along with all other items, into 1 Word document.

Other resources for research are listed in the syllabus and may be used in addition to Buros. If using the testing instrument manual, list it in the references. Buros is directly accessible through the JLF library database for your convenience.

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