Due: Sunday by 11:59pm Total Points: 100 Overview: Use scenario presented below to answer the questions in the scenario. Instructions: The

Due: Sunday by 11:59pm

Total Points: 100


Use scenario presented below to answer the questions in the scenario.


The NNS is currently working with their subcontractor, American Coatings Incorporated, to
develop a new anechoic treatment for the hull tiles under modification P0002 dated July 29,
2015. On September 11, 2015, Emmett Smith of NNS discovers a new polymer, which will make
the use of sonar-absorbing tiles obsolete. The new hull treatment will only require a coating
of this new polymer. Emmett notifies the PCU Delaware’s program manager who
requests Emmett to write up his new polymer hull treatment as an engineering contract change
and request a contract modification. Emmett complies by identifying the classified technical
aspects of the new polymer under closed cover and develops a cost estimate of $1,131,000/sub
($3000 per linear foot for a sub that is 377 feet in length and 34 feet in the beam). Emmett also
identifies associated cost, schedule, and performance risks with implementing his new
innovative hull coating approach. He forwards his engineering contract change proposal to the
PM who forwards it to Ms. Biddle, NNS’s contracting officer.

Ms. Biddle develops a bilateral contract modification for the proposed change and forwards it to
the Navy’s Procurement Contracting Officer (PCO) at the Naval Sea Systems Command. The
Navy PCO forwards the proposal to the Virginia-class Program Management Office (PMO). The
PMO’s engineers are intrigued with the innovative proposal. They recognize the potential
benefits of not layering their subs with sonar absorbent panels. Using only the hull coating as a
shield for enemy sonar detection would significantly reduce the lifecycle costs by 20%
(estimated life cycle cost per sub is $7 billion over a 30-year period). This new approach would
offset the cost of the tiles currently installed and maintained on each sub. The current tiles cost
$840 million and 6 months to initially install. The new coating could be applied in 90 days or
less; this could potentially reduce the build time by 3 months. Based upon the proposal, the
Navy and their partners could share in the lifecycle savings with a 70/30 split in cost savings.
This change is forwarded to the program sponsor, Admiral Johnson.

Admiral Johnson initially likes the proposal but feels the proposed change is technically too
risky. The current fleet is already outfitted with the proven existing technology using the hull
anechoic coating and tiles. He tells the Navy’s PCO and PMO that he does not want these tiles
on the PCU Delaware and orders them to tell NNS that this proposal, although innovative and
promising, is out of scope for the existing program and contract. The PMO engineers acquiesce,
and the PCO notifies NNS that the Navy denies their request for the change.

PMG501 – Scope Project Management

Unit 7 Assignment: Change Request Essay Scenario

The NNS’s Vice President of the Virginia-class submarines is disappointed, and he and Ms.
Biddle convey the news to the PM and the engineer. The engineer suggests that NNS submit a
claim against the government to ask for an official determination of what is within scope and
what is outside the scope, especially in light of the recent P0002 modification.

Write a short essay (3-5 pages) synopsizing the case and include relevant scholarly practitioner
references responding to the following question:

Using your expert judgment, the PMBOK® course materials, and other scholarly references, t o
analyze the situation and describe what actions and decisions you think NNS should take as a
result of the current situation. Justify and explain your response(s).


 Please follow APA guidelines (proper margins, double-spaced, Times New Roman font,

12-point font).

 Use APA citation format and include a reference/works cited page when necessary.

 Writing should be clear, concise, and well organized. Thoughts should be expressed in

a logical manner.

 The writing should be free of spelling, grammar errors with excellent sentence /

paragraph construction.

 The outline template should be 6 pages maximum in length including reference
page/work cited page.

 Save your files using the following filename convention:
o ChangeEssayScenario – FirstName_LastName

Be sure to read the criteria, by which your paper/project will be evaluated, before

you write, and again after you write.

Evaluation Rubric Unit 7: Change Request Essay Scenario Assignment

CRITERIA Deficient




0 – 23 Points 24 – 31 Points 32 – 39 Points 40 Points

Analysis of
Situation and

No analysis exists
or is incorrect.
Problem(s) not
identified or unclear
Little to no
evidence of unit
concepts applied.

Analysis exists but
is weak.
Problem(s) are
identified but are
unclear and/or
Few unit concepts
applied and

Analysis exists and
is strong.
Problem(s) are
identified and some
are clear and
Some unit concepts
applied and evident.

Analysis exists and
is strong. Problem(s)
are identified and
are clear and
Several unit

concepts applied

and evident.

Proposed Actions
and Decisions

Summary is
missing and/or
doesn’t include
rationale or
justification. Little to
no evidence of unit
concepts applied.

Summary includes
weak rationale
and/or justification.
Few unit concepts
applied and

Summary includes
relative rationale and
justification. Some
unit concepts applied
and evident.

Summary includes a
complete list of
actions and
decisions with
strong rationale and
Several unit
concepts applied
and integrated in

0 – 11 Points 12 – 16 Points 17 – 19 Points 20 Points

Clear and

Writing assignment
contains no sense
of organization.
Paragraphs lack
clear ideas.
Contains several
errors in grammar,
spelling and
punctuation which
detracts from
content of the
passage. No APA
format followed.

Writing assignment
contains a sense of
organization. Some
paragraphs have
clear ideas.
Contains several
minor errors in
grammar, spelling
and punctuation,
but does not
detract from
content of the
passage. APA
format followed.

Writing assignment
contains good
overall organization.
Most paragraphs
have clear ideas and
are supported with
some examples.
Mostly free of errors
in grammar, spelling
and punctuation.
APA format followed.

Writing assignment
is well-planned and
well-thought out. All
paragraphs have
clear ideas, are
supported with
examples and have
smooth transitions.
Free of errors in
grammar, spelling
and punctuation.
APA format

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