discussion 7 Nursing Assignment Help

Please refer to the course syllabus for Discussion Board guidelines!

For those who address ALL discussion questions (more than just the usual 3) below, I will provide EXTRA CREDIT! 

Define data analytics and describe healthcare analytics.

Describe the six major components of strategic planning.

Explain the purpose of the projected income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement in the business plan

Identify the essential elements of a National Quality Strategy and describe how they are interrelated.

Put on your physician’s hat. How would you determine which of the two incentive payment programs to participate in and why? (MIPS or APM)

Identify five purposes of the IMPACT Act.

Identify four types of facilities affected by the IMPACT Act.

Describe the difference between ICD-9 and ICD-10 and Explain the six benefits of ICD-10.

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Data analytics and strategic planning are essential components in the field of healthcare management. In addition, understanding financial statements and participating in incentive payment programs are crucial for healthcare professionals. This answer provides a brief overview of each question concerning these topics.


1. Data analytics refers to the process of analyzing large volumes of data to uncover patterns, correlations, and insights that can be used for decision-making and improving outcomes. Healthcare analytics specifically focuses on applying data analytics techniques in the healthcare industry to enhance patient care, optimize operations, and improve population health.

2. The six major components of strategic planning are as follows:
a) Mission statement: This outlines the organization’s purpose and goals.
b) Environmental analysis: Assessing internal and external factors that may impact the organization.
c) Setting objectives: Defining specific and measurable goals to achieve.
d) Strategy formulation: Developing a plan of action to achieve the objectives.
e) Strategy implementation: Putting the plan into action with effective allocation of resources.
f) Evaluation and control: Monitoring progress, evaluating outcomes, and making adjustments as needed.

3. The projected income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement in a business plan serve different purposes:
– The projected income statement provides an estimation of future revenue, expenses, and profitability. It helps assess the financial viability of the business.
– The balance sheet presents the organization’s financial position at a specific point in time, including assets, liabilities, and equity. It shows the organization’s net worth.
– The cash flow statement tracks the inflow and outflow of cash over a specific period. It helps assess the organization’s liquidity and cash management.

4. The National Quality Strategy (NQS) encompasses three essential elements:
– Better Care: Focusing on improving the overall quality of healthcare delivery and patient outcomes.
– Healthy People and Communities: Emphasizing population health improvement and addressing social determinants of health.
– Affordable Care: Promoting cost-effective healthcare services and reducing unnecessary expenditures. These elements are interrelated, as better care leads to healthier communities and more affordable care.

5. Choosing between the Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) and Alternative Payment Models (APMs) depends on various factors. As a physician, one would need to assess their practice’s readiness and capabilities in meeting the requirements of each program. Factors such as performance measures, reporting requirements, potential incentives, and alignment with practice goals should be considered to determine the most suitable program.

6. The IMPACT Act (Improving Medicare Post-Acute Care Transformation Act) has five main purposes:
a) Promoting interoperability and standardized assessment data across different post-acute care settings.
b) Enhancing quality measures and patient assessment tools.
c) Improving care coordination and communication between post-acute care providers and other healthcare settings.
d) Facilitating Medicare payment reform through data collection and analysis.
e) Supporting research and policy development to improve post-acute care delivery.

7. The IMPACT Act affects four types of facilities:
a) Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNFs)
b) Inpatient Rehabilitation Facilities (IRFs)
c) Long-Term Care Hospitals (LTCHs)
d) Home Health Agencies (HHAs)

8. ICD-9 (International Classification of Diseases, 9th Revision) and ICD-10 (International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision) are coding systems used for classifying diseases, injuries, and other health conditions. The key differences are:
– ICD-9 has a limited number of codes, whereas ICD-10 has a more expansive code set.
– ICD-10 allows for more detailed and specific coding, providing a more accurate representation of diagnoses.
– ICD-10 includes updated terminology, anatomy, and classification rules.
– Benefits of ICD-10 include improved data accuracy, enhanced clinical documentation, better reimbursement accuracy, more detailed epidemiological data, and improved patient safety.

In conclusion, these topics offer a glimpse into the multidimensional aspects of healthcare management, including data analytics, strategic planning, financial statements, quality strategies, payment programs, legislation, and coding systems. Understanding these elements is vital for healthcare professionals in navigating the complex landscape of the healthcare industry.

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