Diagnostic Paper Assignment This assignment is due at the end of Week 7. This assignment is an application OF YOUR TEXTBOOK where you will choose a

Diagnostic Paper Assignment

This assignment is due at the end of Week 7. This assignment is an application OF YOUR TEXTBOOK where you will choose a disorder to discuss! Avoid over-thinking! 

The purpose of this assignment is to apply the TEXT AND  SCHOLARLY SOURCES (at least 1) to a chosen psychopathological disorder.

You will select one psychological disorder described from *any* of section of the course textbook, Psychopathology: Foundations for a Contemporary Understanding, 4th edition (Maddux & Winstead, 2016).

NOTE: Here’s the link for the “full e-text” since you will need to use this as your primary source:

and remember from earlier weeks how to cite and reference your text properly!

In your well-paraphrased discussion, you MUST address the following.

  1. Thoroughly describe the disorder in terms of symptom presentation and DSM-5 diagnostic criteria using the *text* as your primary source.
  2. Discuss treatment options for this disorder, being sure to outline both pharmacological and psychotherapy-based options using the *text* as your primary source.
  3. THEN – Select a one peer reviewed scholarly journal article from the APUS Library that relates to your selected disorder. Summarize the article and discuss how it relates to your selected diagnosis,
  4. THEN write a clear conclusion.

*YES* you MUST use citations and references in APA 7th edition. Contact the writing center or me with questions! 

***The required minimum length of this paper is 6 and your goal should be close to 8 pages, NOT counting the required  cover page and a reference list – YET – this should NOT be the focus of your writing! IF directions are followed, 5-6 pages will be easy!

Quoting of published material OR the use of the first-person “I” are not permitted and will result in point loss OR a request to rewrite the assignment. All source material MUST be paraphrased.

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