Crimes against Property and Public Order and Morals

40.0 pts Exceeds Expectations Demonstrates excellent research of Topics/ 3-4 resources other than text book. 34 – 40 pts 33.0 pts Meets Expectations Demonstrates sufficient research of Topics/ 3-4 resources other than text book. 26 – 33 pts 25.0 pts Does Not Meet Expectations Demonstrates less than sufficient research of Topics/ and fewer 3-4 resources other than text book. 18 – 25 pts 17.0 pts No Evidence of Exceptations Did not use any reliable sources. 0 – 17 pts 40.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Topics clearly explained 50.0 pts Exceeds Expectations Excellent explanation of common law elements. 43 – 50 pts 42.0 pts Meets Expectations Adequate explanation of common law elements. 35 – 42 pts 34.0 pts No Does Not Meet Expectations Less than adequate explanation of common law elements. 28 – 34 pts 28.0 pts No Evidence of Exceptations No clear explanation of the topics 0 – 28 pts 50.0 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Citations and Reference Page/ in APA 5.0 pts Exceeds Expectations Excellent citations and Reference Page/ in APA with no errors. 5.0 pts 4.0 pts Meets Expectations Adequate citations and Reference Page/ in APA with few errors. 4.0 pts 2.0 pts Does Not Meet Expectations Less than adequate citations and Reference Page/ in APA with several errors. 3.0 pts 0.0 pts No Evidence of Exceptations Did not demonstrate understanding citations and reference page in APA. 0 – 2.0 pts. 5.0 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Paper Format/ in APA

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