Crime Measurement is a critical element in our discipline. If we don’t accurately measure crime it has significant ramifications for impacting,

Crime Measurement is a critical element in our discipline. If we don’t accurately measure crime it has significant ramifications for impacting, controlling, reducing and ultimately stopping criminal and deviant behavior. Crime is measured using the UCR, NCVS, Self-Report Data, Secondary Data, Police Reports and many other sources. All of these sources are used to help us think about, understand and manage crime and deviance.

What do we know? This course will help you understand this phenomenon. You need to understand the shortcomings and strengths of each approach to see where we can make improvements and temper our control and intervention policies and programs. You need to understand each approach and fundamentally understand the causal inference. Watch the video below and thinking then about our measurement protocols in Criminology and Criminal Justice, how might we improve the “fight against crime”?

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