CCC Health Changes in Health Insurance Policy Discussion Nursing Assignment Help

PART A Reflections” Please respond to the following:

  • Reflecting on the class you have just completed, analyze at least two (2) concepts that you have learned with respect to their capacity to prepare you for your future. Provide examples to support your response.
  • Specify the degree to which your interpretation of healthcare policy has changed as a result of completing this class. Support your response with at least three (3) examples.

PLEASE RESPOND TO CLASSMATE DISCUSSION WHETHER YOU AGREE OR NOT & A DETAILED WHY: What we learned about Medicare and its impact on the rest of insurance providers was very helpful for me since I am already working for a health insurance company. I will be able to use what I learned to move up within the company, which is my goal. Another concept that can help me prepare for the future is that I learned how much health insurance, quality of care, and providers are effected by politics and that I should certainly pay more attention to when it is discussed in political debates since it does affect me.

The degree to which my understanding of healthcare policy has changed greatly since my knowledge was limited. I understand the Affordable Care Act and the marketplace more and why it was such a big deal when it was enacted. EMTALA was also something that I was not familiar with and learning about the rights of patients in an emergency was very helpful. Lastly, Chapter 13 in our textbook went over the threats to public health and broke it down to define the different types of threats and how they are handled. That information was new to me and it is probably something that should be discussed more.

Part B – The Future” Please respond to the following:

  • Interpreting the topics discussed in this class, examine at least two (2) concepts related to health reform that will potentially change over the next decade. Provide examples of these changes to support your rationale.
  • Analyze three (3) changes in health insurance policy that will affect consumers within the next two years. Predict the impact these changes will have on both the consumer and the provider with two (2) examples for each group.

PLEASE RESPOND TO CLASSMATE DISCUSSION WHETHER YOU AGREE OR NOT & A DETAILED WHY: A potential change to health care reform that could happen over the next decade is the technological change. Technology has already played a huge important role in healthcare with implementation of EMR’s and e-prescribing. Some facilities are now even providing web based appointments for patients. Technology is always advancing and I can see the potential for even better health care possibilities. Another potential change can be how US citizens obtain health care. Right now its the affordable care act and the market place, but politicians are campaigning for universal health care comparable to Canada.

Three health insurance policies that can affect consumers in the future are the cost of insurance, the coverage and the choices of providers. I do believe that health insurance may become more affordable to the consumer because now there are many options and the insurance companies will want to stay competitive. Coverage for all preventative care is now normal but I do think coverage for new lab test for early detection of certain illnesses will now also be included because insurance companies are now realizing early detection saves more money down the road. I can foresee people fighting see a doctor based on their preference and not on who is in network. Consumers will want to choose a plan that allows them that option. Providers will not have to worry about being in network and can concentrate solely on the care of the patient, they will also provide better care since patients will be able to go elsewhere if they are not happy.

Expert Solution Preview

As a medical professor responsible for creating assignments and evaluating student performance in a medical college, I aim to provide students with a solid foundation and relevant knowledge for their future medical careers. In this response, I will address and provide answers to the content provided.

Answer to Part A:
1. Two concepts that have prepared students for their future:
a) Understanding the impact of Medicare on insurance providers: The knowledge gained about Medicare and its influence on other insurance providers is essential for students working in the healthcare industry. For example, it enables students to comprehend the complexities of insurance systems and provides insights into how insurance companies adapt and compete. This knowledge can help students progress in their careers within the health insurance sector by enabling them to make informed decisions and develop strategies based on their understanding of the broader healthcare landscape.

b) The interplay between politics and healthcare: Recognizing the interconnection between politics and healthcare is crucial for students’ future endeavors. For instance, being aware of the effects of politics on health insurance, quality of care, and healthcare providers equips students with the ability to navigate and respond to changes in healthcare policy. This knowledge empowers students to engage in critical analysis of political debates and legislation surrounding healthcare, ensuring they are well-informed and prepared to advocate for the best interests of patients.

2. Degree of change in interpretation of healthcare policy:
The understanding of healthcare policy has significantly changed for the student. This change is evident through multiple examples:
a) Understanding the Affordable Care Act and its significance: The student’s limited knowledge has been expanded to grasp the importance of the Affordable Care Act and its impact on the healthcare system. This newfound understanding enables the student to appreciate the complexity of healthcare reform efforts and their implications for various stakeholders.

b) Knowledge of EMTALA (Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act): Learning about the rights of patients in emergency situations has broadened the student’s understanding of healthcare policy. This understanding is vital for delivering appropriate and timely care in emergency settings, ensuring that patients receive necessary medical interventions without concerns about financial or insurance-related obstacles.

c) Awareness of threats to public health and their management: Chapter 13 of the textbook has introduced the student to different types of threats to public health and their corresponding management strategies. This knowledge contributes to a comprehensive understanding of public health challenges and strengthens the student’s ability to address and combat these threats effectively.

Responding to Classmate Discussion:
I agree with the classmate’s reflection on Medicare and its impact on insurance providers. Understanding how Medicare influences the broader insurance industry is indeed beneficial, especially for individuals working within health insurance companies. This knowledge provides opportunities for career advancement and the ability to make informed decisions based on the intricacies of insurance regulations and policies.

Moreover, I also agree with the classmate’s perception that healthcare, quality of care, and providers are significantly influenced by politics. Political decisions and debates surrounding healthcare can have substantial consequences, and paying attention to these discussions is crucial for staying informed and adapting to potential changes in the healthcare landscape.

Answer to Part B:
1. Concepts related to health reform that may change over the next decade:
a) Technological advancements in healthcare: The continuous development of technology, such as electronic medical records (EMRs), telemedicine, and AI-assisted diagnostics, will likely reshape healthcare delivery. These advancements have the potential to improve accessibility, patient outcomes, and the overall efficiency of healthcare systems.

b) Evolution of healthcare payment models: The current fee-for-service model is gradually shifting towards value-based care, where payment is linked to the quality and outcomes of patient care. This transition aims to incentivize providers to deliver effective and efficient care, ultimately improving patient outcomes and reducing healthcare costs.

2. Changes in health insurance policy affecting consumers within the next two years:
a) Increasing emphasis on preventive care coverage: Health insurance policies are likely to expand coverage for preventive services, such as vaccinations, screenings, and wellness programs. This expanded coverage aims to promote early detection and intervention, leading to better health outcomes and potentially reducing long-term healthcare costs.

b) Growing emphasis on mental health coverage: As society becomes more aware of the importance of mental health, insurance policies are likely to increase coverage for mental health services. This change will improve access to mental health care and reduce financial barriers for individuals seeking support.

c) Expansion of telehealth services coverage: The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the adoption and acceptance of telehealth services. Insurance policies will continue to embrace telemedicine as a cost-effective and convenient means of delivering healthcare, providing coverage for virtual consultations and remote monitoring.

Predicted impacts on consumers and providers:
For consumers:
– Increased affordability and access to preventive care will encourage regular health check-ups and early intervention, potentially leading to improved overall health outcomes.
– Enhanced coverage for mental health services will reduce stigma and financial barriers, enabling individuals to seek appropriate care and support for mental health conditions.

For providers:
– Transitioning towards value-based care will incentivize providers to focus on delivering high-quality care, promoting outcomes instead of quantity. This shift may improve patient satisfaction and lead to more patient-centered and effective care.
– The expansion of telehealth services coverage will provide opportunities for providers to reach a wider patient population, improve patient access to care, and enhance convenience for both patients and providers.

Responding to Classmate Discussion:
I agree with the classmate’s prediction regarding potential changes in healthcare reform over the next decade. Technological advancements hold significant promise, and their integration into healthcare can revolutionize the way care is delivered. This could include advancements in electronic health records, remote monitoring, and telemedicine. Additionally, the concept of universal healthcare, as proposed by some politicians, could potentially reshape the healthcare landscape in the United States.

Regarding health insurance policy changes affecting consumers, I agree with the classmate’s points. The affordability of insurance coverage is a crucial aspect that affects consumers’ access to healthcare services. Additionally, the inclusion of coverage for new lab tests for early detection can lead to proactive healthcare management and cost savings in the long run. Lastly, providing consumers with more flexibility in choosing their healthcare providers can enhance patient satisfaction and encourage better care delivery.

Note: The answers provided above are hypothetical and should not be considered as an actual response from a medical professor without proper context and specific knowledge of the course material being taught.

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