Please follow instructions thoroughly. semantic1.txt // Variable Initialization Mismatch function main returns integer; value: integer is

Please follow instructions thoroughly. semantic1.txt // Variable Initialization Mismatch function main returns integer; value: integer is ‘A’; begin 1; end; semantic10.txt // List Subscript is not Integer function main returns integer; aList: list of integer is (1, 2, 3); begin aList(1.5); end; semantic11.txt — Mixing Numeric and Character Types with Relational Operator function main returns […]

  Using the Entities and Attributes you created for your business from the week 1 discussions, show the tables and relationships resulting from your

  Using the Entities and Attributes you created for your business from the week 1 discussions, show the tables and relationships resulting from your model in the form of an E/R diagram.  Be sure to identify key attributes and relationships across all entities. You can use Microsoft tools like PowerPoint/Visio, or any other graphical modeling […]

Assignment Operational Excellence Week 13 Assignment

Assignment Operational Excellence Week 13 Assignment Information Systems for Business and Beyond Questions: · Chapter 13– study questions 1-10, Exercise 1, 2, & 4 (Chapter 13 | 306) 01. Which countries are the biggest users of the Internet? Social media? Mobile? 02. Which country had the largest Internet growth (in %) in the last five years? […]

Write a report (max 1,500 words) on the challenges the dataset presents, the solutions, and your findings, which will be assessed as follows: 1)

Write a report (max 1,500 words) on the challenges the dataset presents, the solutions, and your findings, which will be assessed as follows: 1) Discuss the following feature extraction techniques and explain how they work and their advantages and disadvantages a) Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) [10%] b) BERT [10%] 2) Two step Classification: a) […]