case review – performace managment Nursing Assignment Help

The format of the paper has to be in business bullet formatting. Attached below is an example of the formatting 

Also attached is the short case you will need to read for the assignment. 

While the case involves a Nursing Home, this could also apply to a Residential Treatment Center where patients stay for a long time e.g., Mental Health, Chronic Drug Use, etc.  The text solutions and questions are aimed at using a Team approach as the solution to 3 stated problems.  That is NOT my focus in this assignment, but I have no problem if it is a part of your solution(s) to the stated problems, which are:

(1) “Instances of communication breakdown among staff”;

(2) “several instances of medication errors”; and

(3) “Problems concern contract staff not included in the performance management process” 

Assess the Case Study with respect to the 3 Problems specified above:

The HR director took 3 actions – Discuss the adequacy or inadequacy of the HR response in resolving the 3 problems. 

Does the rating system used or any modifications to it directly address the 3 problems?  If “Yes,” state how and if “No” why not?

How would you address the 3 problems directly? [Solutions to problems #1 & #2 should be specific to Ful, Part-Time and Contract staff.

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In this assignment, we will assess a case study regarding communication breakdown, medication errors, and issues concerning contract staff in a nursing home setting. We will evaluate the adequacy or inadequacy of the HR director’s response to these problems and analyze whether the rating system used addresses these issues. Finally, we will propose our own solutions to address these problems directly, taking into consideration full-time, part-time, and contract staff.


Problem 1: Instances of communication breakdown among staff

The HR director’s response to the communication breakdown among staff needs to be evaluated. Did they take appropriate actions to address this problem? Were these actions sufficient or lacking in efficacy?

To assess the adequacy of the HR response, we should consider whether they implemented measures to improve communication channels between staff members. Did they emphasize the importance of clear and concise communication? Did they provide training or workshops on effective communication techniques? If these actions were taken, did they yield positive results in reducing the instances of communication breakdown?

Depending on the HR director’s response, we can determine the adequacy or inadequacy of their actions in resolving this particular problem.

Problem 2: Several instances of medication errors

Similarly, we need to assess the HR director’s response to the medication errors that occurred within the nursing home. Did they take appropriate actions to address this recurring issue? Were these actions effective in reducing medication errors?

The adequacy of the HR response can be evaluated by considering whether they implemented measures to improve medication administration protocols. Did they provide additional training to staff members on medication safety? Did they revise the systems in place to minimize the risk of errors, such as implementing double-check procedures or computerized physician order entry systems?

By evaluating the effectiveness of the HR director’s actions in addressing medication errors, we can determine the adequacy or inadequacy of their response.

Problem 3: Problems concerning contract staff not included in the performance management process

The HR director’s response to the issue of contract staff not being included in the performance management process also needs to be assessed. Did they take appropriate actions to rectify this problem? Did their actions consider the unique circumstances and requirements of contract staff?

To evaluate the adequacy of the HR response, we should determine if they developed a system or process to include contract staff in the performance management process. Did they establish clear goals, expectations, and performance metrics for these staff members? Did they provide regular feedback and performance evaluations for contract staff similar to full-time and part-time employees?

By assessing the HR director’s response to this problem, we can ascertain the adequacy or inadequacy of their efforts in ensuring that contract staff are included in the performance management process.

Overall, the HR director’s response to these three problems needs to be carefully evaluated to determine its adequacy. If the HR director’s actions have not directly addressed these issues, modifications to the rating system or additional measures must be considered to effectively resolve the communication breakdown, medication errors, and inclusion of contract staff in the performance management process.

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