Bank of America Assessment, Evaluation, and Recommendation September 30, 2024 Instructions evaluate opportunities for that organization

Bank of America

Assessment, Evaluation, and Recommendation

September 30, 2024


evaluate opportunities for that organization to add economic, social, and environmental value.


Recommend an opportunity that best capitalizes on the organization’s valuable, rare, and hard-to-imitate resources, is least impacted by the organization’s weaknesses, and will take best advantage of the external environment.


Create a PowerPoint presentation to present your assessment, evaluation, and recommendation. Include the following sections in your presentation:

A cover slide

An agenda

A description of the organization (1 slide with speaker’s notes).

A summary of the strengths and weakness of the organization (2 slides with speaker’s notes)

Key aspects of your assessment of the external environment that present opportunities for adding value, such as trends, unmet needs, unsolved problems, under-served consumer groups, etc. (2-3 slides with speaker’s notes)

An evaluation of opportunities to add economic value (1 slide with speaker’s notes)

An evaluation of opportunities to add social value (1 slide with speaker’s notes)

An evaluation of opportunities to add environmental value (1 slide with speaker’s notes). 

Note: Some opportunities may appear on more than 1 slide. For example, you may find an opportunity that adds economic, social, and environmental value.

A recommended opportunity to pursue first, with a rationale that shows how the opportunity capitalizes on the organization’s valuable, rare, and hard-to-imitate resources, is not much impacted by the organization’s weaknesses, and takes advantage of the external environment (1 slide, with speaker’s notes)

A conclusion



Support your Statements: Include citations in the speakers notes.

Format your citations and references according to APA guidelines.

Feedback on this existing assignment

Your slides are too bare. Per instructions, use images/graphics. When using graphics, for ADA compliance, use alternate text (right click=> edit alt text) and explain in the speakers’ notes. Try regenerating text-based graphics.


All slides: Per the instructions: use speakers’ notes to fully explain and expand on what is on the slide. Put short bullet points on the slides and explain fully in the speakers’ notes. Put citations in the speakers’ notes. Speakers’ notes need to fully explain every point on the slide. 

This is particularly important since you (the author/expert) are not there to explain why every bullet point is on the slide and why it matters. The presentation is a communications tool and needs to stand on its own without the reader needing to make assumptions. The reader may be familiar with the company, but they are not the expert.

Expand your speakers’ notes by including a short paragraph supporting each bullet point that not only explains “what” but also explains “why” this matters.




Overview of Bank of America

Strengths and Weaknesses

External Environment Assessment

Economic Value Opportunities

Social Value Opportunities

Environmental Value Opportunities

Recommended Opportunity




Description of the Organization

Founded in 1904

Global presence in over 35 countries

Serves individual consumers, small and medium businesses, and large corporations

Total assets: $3.1 trillion (2022)

Ranked 2nd largest bank in the U.S. by total assets



Digital Innovation: Leader in AI and mobile banking solutions (Erica virtual assistant)


Financial Stability: Strong capital reserves and consistent revenue streams.

Global Presence: Extensive network across the U.S. and international markets.



U.S. Dependency: Over-reliance on the U.S. market for 90% of its revenue.

Cybersecurity Risks: Increased vulnerability to cyberattacks due to digital reliance.

Litigation Exposure: Frequent legal challenges and regulatory scrutiny.


External Environment Opportunities

Digital Transformation: Increased demand for digital banking solutions post-pandemic.

Sustainability Focus: Growing global emphasis on ESG investing and sustainable finance.

Trends: Digital banking and fintech partnerships.

Unmet Needs: Blockchain technology for secure transactions


External Environment Opportunities

Financial Inclusion: Opportunities to serve underbanked populations in emerging markets.

Secure Digital Transactions: Blockchain technology to enhance transaction security and transparency.

Underserved Markets: Financial inclusion for unbanked populations in emerging markets.

Sustainability: Growing demand for ESG products


Economic Value Creation

Evaluation of Economic Value Opportunities

Investment in blockchain technology to improve operational efficiency and security.

Expanding digital banking offerings to capture more customers.

Diversifying revenue streams through international expansion.


Social Value Creation

Evaluation of Social Value Opportunities

Expanding financial literacy programs.

Providing services to unbanked populations in developing markets.

Partnering with fintech companies to enhance financial inclusion.


Environmental Value Creation

Evaluation of Environmental Value Opportunities

Increased investment in green bonds and renewable energy projects.

Further development of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) products.

Promotion of paperless banking and sustainable practices.


Recommended Opportunity

Recommended Opportunity: Blockchain Technology

Leverages the bank’s digital strength to enhance security.

Reduces risks from fraud and cyberattacks.

Aligned with market trends in secure digital banking.



Bank of America is positioned to leverage its strengths in digital innovation and sustainability.

Investing in blockchain technology provides the bank with an opportunity to enhance security and operational efficiency.

The bank’s expansion into emerging markets and continued leadership in ESG investing will ensure long-term growth.



MBA Skool. (2023). Bank of America SWOT Analysis. Retrieved from

The Strategy Story. (2023) Bank of America SWOT Analysis. Retrieved from

SWOT Wizard. (2024). Bank of America SWOT Analysis 2024. Retrieved from



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