attached Giving and receiving feedback is essential for professional growth. I still remember a time when one super simple, but important feedback


Giving and receiving feedback is essential for professional growth. I still remember a time when one super simple, but important feedback helped me to become much better. It was during my initial month as an RBT, my supervisor provided detailed feedback on my implementation of behavior intervention plans. She noted that while I was thorough in following the protocols, my interactions with the clients lacked a degree of natural reinforcement and enthusiasm. This feedback was impactful because it highlighted a sensitive yet crucial aspect of effective therapy: “the importance of genuine positive reinforcement”. As a result, I made a conscious effort to incorporate more naturalistic reinforcement strategies, which significantly improved client engagement and progress towards their goals.

I am generally very receptive to feedback from others. I believe that feedback, whether positive or constructive, is a tool for growth. However, there are moments when receiving critical feedback can be challenging, especially if it touches on areas where I perceive myself as capable. In such cases, I remind myself of the importance of maintaining a growth mindset and view the feedback as an opportunity for further development.

Reflecting on me delivering feedback, I recall a time during a group project in one of my high school classes, it was well-received. We were working on a presentation, and I noticed that while our content was strong, our delivery needed improvement. I suggested that we practice more as a team and work on our timing and transitions to ensure a smooth flow. Additionally, I emphasized the importance of each team member’s effort and contribution to achieving a polished final product. My feedback was positively received, and we together made the necessary adjustments. As a result, our presentation was much more solid and professional, and we received high marks for our work. The positive reception of my feedback was likely due to the honest and supportive way I delivered it. I made sure to highlight our strengths before addressing areas for improvement, and I outlined my suggestions as ways to enhance our group effort and finish strong.

My strengths in receiving feedback include openness and a willingness to apply suggestions for improvement. An area I should work on it would be managing my initial emotional response to critical feedback. Sometimes when I feel confident about something, but I end up receiving feedback saying otherwise, I tend to be sentimental. Then, I realize that it is only a perception that can help me to become better and I just focus on the good side. In delivering feedback, my strengths lie in my ability to provide clear, specific, and reasonable suggestions. I also like to begin by saying good things, so the person does not feel attacked, and I transmit some empathy in there. However, I need to work on my timing and approach to ensure that the feedback is received in a constructive manner.

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