Assignment 7: Prison System Infographic111111 unread replies.111111 replies.  As we learned in this video, minority

Assignment 7: Prison System Infographic111111 unread replies.111111 replies. 

As we learned in this video, minority groups are differentially imprisoned in our country. You are to create an infographic highlighting facts (outside of facts presented in the video) about differential incarceration.  

Here are some questions that you may want to ask yourself as you think about your infographic design:

  • What facts or statistics discussed in this video stood out to you the most?
  • How do these factors illustrate systemic racism?
  • Can “primary prevention” be used to address justice system issues
  • Could rehabilitation services and restorative justice (as opposed to solely retribution and punishment) offer a better solution to help decrease recidivism rates. If so, how?

In order to create an infographic, you may use the following tools:

  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Microsoft PowerPoint
  • Microsoft Word
  • CanvaLinks to an external site.
  • VenngageLinks to an external site.
  • PiktochartLinks to an external site.
  • 10 free tools for creating infographicsLinks to an external site.

You may see examples of infographics below.

  • Who Are America’s Prosecutors? Download Who Are America’s Prosecutors? (Wholeads)
  • Lifetime Likelihood of Imprisonment Download Lifetime Likelihood of Imprisonment (The Sentencing Project)
  • Is this ‘Justice’? Download Is this ‘Justice’? (AVAAZ)


  • Post your infographic before Wednesday at 11:59 PM to allow enough time for you and your peers to comment.
  • Comment on two peers’ posts by Sunday at 11:59 PM.

Peer Comments

Responses to peer’s infographics should be reflective and incorporate a thoughtful reaction to a peers’ submission. It is not sufficient to just comment, “I agree…” or something of that brief nature.  You should support any statements with information from your own research, the text or the supplemental material.  The intent, or spirit, of the assignment, is to create an online learning environment where we learn and grow from one another.  You will be evaluated on the quality of your response, not just the completion of the response. 

NOTE: If you do not comment on two presentations, I will deduct up to 2 points from your assignment grade. 

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