APN (advance practice nurse) history and Beatitudes paper   You should familiarize yourself with all the

APN (advance practice nurse) history and Beatitudes paper 

 You should familiarize yourself with all the resources included here before beginning to write your paper. A most important foundation for writing it is that you understand the terms (words) used in the Greek text of the New Testament, and do NOT rely on your understanding of these words in a modern, secular context. 

· The objective of this paper is to discuss your knowledge of the Beatitudes as written in the Bible in Matthew 5:1-16. Were these mandates displayed in the works of early advanced practice nurses?

· The paper also should discuss how the Beatitudes would or should affect prospective APNs’ practice.

· Please 
consider the following order:

Paragraph 1: Introduction: Should be approximately 3 sentences and concludes with a statement like “The purpose of this paper is to ……”

Paragraph 2: Provide some background on the Beatitudes. Be sure to look at the Greek translations. The translation may provide a more deep meaning that other more secular works.

Paragraph 3: Provide some background on the history of APN practice. Feel free to use any resource you like, however, to describe important actions in the development of the APN Roles. 

Paragraph 4: Analyze where in the history of APN were the Beatitudes demonstrated? Provide a few examples.

Paragraph 5: How do you plan to (or how should/could an APRN) demonstrate the mandates of the Beatitudes in practice?

Paragraph 6: Conclusion. Introduce no new ideas here.  Tie your thoughts together in a way that reinforces your thesis statement in the Introduction paragraph. 

· This paper should discuss how the work of early APNs in the history of the development of APN roles reflects Beatitudes in the Bible as given in Matthew 5:1-16.

· The paper also should discuss how exploring these resemblances of virtue that were embedded in APN history and Beatitudes would or should affect prospective APNs’ practice.

· See the rubric.

· 7-10 pages excluding references, 
Follow APA format.  7th Edition style.

The faith integration focus on this course is the Beatitudes.  There are 8 Beatitudes found in The Sermon of the Mount.  I have provided additional resources for you to look at that may help you.  

We need to use at least 5 historical nursing figures. (I give the info based on the class discussion post)

1- Maude Callen

· Born in Quincy, Florida, 1898.

· Ms. Callen was orphaned at the age of six, along with her many siblings, and was raised by her uncle who was a physician.

· Maude attended Florida A&M college before arriving at Tuskegee Institute for her nursing coursework

· Following her scholastic training, she felt called to Episcopal missionary work and opened a practice as a nurse-midwife in Pineville, South Carolina.

· Since there was only nine other midwifes in the Pineville Community, she trained and instructor many women in the midwifery science. 

· From this work, thousands of deliveries were completed due to her hard work and dedication to the poorer communities.

· In 1936 Maude left Pineville for Berkeley County Health Department where became a public health nurse. 

· During her tenure with the health department, she continued to train “young, black women as midewives and taught them prenatal care, labor support, delivery, and newborn babies.”

· Life magazine published a photo essay in 1951 of her work in Pineville which brought in thousands of dollars in donations.

· As a result she opened her own clinic in Pineville which she ran from 1953-1971, when she retired. 

· After retired she continued to volunteer and manage a nutrition program for senior citizens out of her clinic. This program provided meals at the clinic, delivered meals, and transportation for those in need.

· She won awards for the American Institute of Public Service and the Order of Palmetto. 

· Maude Callen died in 1990, still volunteering. 


Maude E. Callen. South Carolina African American History Calendar. (2018, October 3).

Florence Guinness Blake

· Born Nov. 30, 1907; Died Sept. 12, 1983

· Inducted into the American Nurses Association Hall of Fame in 1996.

· Pediatric nurse/Professor that developed Family-centered care.

· This model of care stressed that family involvement and care was just as important as the understanding of the disease and how to treat it.

· Blake wrote 
The Child, His Parents, and the Nurse in 1954.

· She also authored two other nursing textbooks: 
Essentials of Pediatric Nursing and 
Nursing Care of Children.

· Blake headed advanced pediatric nursing programs at University of Chicago and Wisconsin-Madison.


Cooper, Signe (1988). Florence Guinness Blake. In: American nursing: A biographical dictionary. Vol. 1. V.L. Bullough, O. Church, & A.P. Stein, (Eds.). New York: Garland

Green, Morris (April 1954). “The Child, His Parents and the Nurse by F.G. Blake”. Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine. 26 (5): 452–453.

Linda Richards

· Born on July 27th, 1841 near Postdam, New York

· America’s First graduate nurse

· Her career path was influenced by her devout maternal grandfather, her dying mother and the family physician. She caried for anyone who needed her, riding with old Dr. Currier on his rounds

· She also got bedside experience while taking care of her fiancée and sick neighbors

· Accepted as a member of the first class of five students in September 1872 at the New England Hospital for Women and Children in Boston

· After graduation she accepted a position as night superintendent at the newly established Bellevue Training School (New York City), which was the 1st Nightingale model training school in the United States.

· In 1874 she went back to Boston and worked as a superintendent of the Boston Training School but encountered physician opposition to training nurses.

· She provided strong leadership and developed a program of regular classroom instructions for three years

· Under the mentoring of Florence Nightingale, she visited London’s St. Thomas’s Hospital Training Program

· She returned to Boston and integrated the Boston City Hospital Training school instead of the Nightingale system

· In 1891, she was head of the Philadelphia Visiting Nurse Society and established a training school at Philadelphia’s Methodist Episcopal Hospital in 1892

· Served as the first president of the American Society of Superintendents of Training Schools in 1894, the 1st professional organization for nurses.

· She purchased the first share of stock in the American Journal of Nursing Company in 1900

· Served as a director of training schools at the Taunton Insane Hospital in Massachusetts, Worcester Hospital for the Insane and Michigan Insane Asylum

· Retired at age 70, living on a farm in Lowell, Massachusetts

· Died April 16,1930

· She lived with devotion and limitless sympathy: “Nursing with the hands,” she said, “means less than nursing with the heart.”


Baker, R. (1970). 
America’s first trained nurse, Linda Richards: Born: July 27, 1841 ; died: April 16, 1930. Washington Square Press.

Richards, L. (1915). Early Days in the first American Training School for Nurses. 
The American Journal of Nursing
16(3), 174.

4- Mary Beckinridge 1881-1956

· Founder of Frontier Nursing Service (FNS) in 1925 

· Pioneering the field of rural healthcare to bring access to the rural part of southeastern Kentucky.

· Decided to dedicate her life to improving conditions for children after the passing of both her children at the age of newborn and four.

· Mary used the inheritance from her mother to establish what would become the FNS.

· Realizing child mortality rates in the rural area were higher than the national average, addressed the need for midwives and tended to other needs for the population.

· Decreased mortality rates among children in rural areas below the national average.

· The FNS brought accessible midwives to the rural area who were able to see and treat patients by riding horseback through the mountains.

· Many of the Beckinridge nurses had to leave to help support the war effort in WWII.

· Mary, needing more nurses to provide healthcare, established a nursing school which is still in use today. The Frontier Nursing University.

· Established the first hospital for Hayden County to improve access to the community.

Links to an external site.

Links to an external site.

Links to an external site.

5-Mary Grant Seacol

· Renowned as a nurse and a doctress, she is known as “Mother Seacole” and considered as one of the first nurse practitioners (Messmer et al, 1998). 

· Born in Jamaica in 1805, daughter to a Jamaican doctress and Scottish naval officer. 

· She treated patients who contracted cholera during an epidemic in Panama in 1849. 

· Seacole established the British Hotel with the purpose of nursing soldiers during the Crimean War in 1855. When she was not in the hotel, she was searching for people to help in the battlefield. 

· She cared for the wounded and the ill from dysentery and cholera. 

· Became known as “Mother Seacole” in the battlefield for her knowledgeable and compassionate approach in caring for patients. 

· As a woman of color, she persevered through racism and prejudice while continuing her work.

· Seacole established her legacy as an exemplary nurse and healer– determined, innovative, compassionate, and resilient– which have become admirable characteristics of nurses and nurse practitioners through the years.


Mesmer, P. R., & Parchment, Y. (1998). Mary grant seacole: The first nurse practitioner.
Clinical Excellence for Nurse Practitioners: The International Journal of NPACE. 2(1), 47-51. 

Morris, G. (2023).
Mother Seacole: How Mary Seacole Shaped Nursing. Nurse Journal.

Rubric for Key Assignment-the evolution and development of the APRN-Faith Integration paper.

Rubric for Key Assignment-the evolution and development of the APRN-Faith Integration paper.




This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCoherence of writing

flow, clarity. It is expected that transitions are defined

4 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCompleteness

Discusses the relationship between the 8 beatitudes (4 points), the history of APRN’s and the role they play in the 8 beatitudes (7 points), and the present and future of APRN’s (3 points)

14 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcomemechanics

grammar, spelling, citations, paragraphs.

2 pts

Total Points: 20

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