According to the text (and empirical data), people of color disproportionately commit violent and property crime, and African Americans, Latinos, and

 According to the text (and empirical data), people of color disproportionately commit violent and property crime, and African Americans, Latinos, and Native Americans have higher victimization rates. After reading the assigned chapters and supplemental article from the Vera Institute, answer the following questions:

  1. The texts offers many explanations for racial difference in criminal behavior (i.e. social structure, social disorganization, poverty/inequality, cognitive and neurological development, neighborhood characteristics, antisocial behavior, urban life, etc.). Which explanation(s) do you believe best explains the wide variance in violent crime? Why?
  2. Similarly, the text also offers a series of explanations for higher rates of victimization among minorities (such as African Americans, Latinos, and Native Americans). Which explanation(s) do you most agree with? Why?
  3. Finally, based on the text and report provided by the Vera Institute, answer one of the following:
    • What are the most promising emerging practices for integrating trauma-informed care into existing programs serving young men?
    • How can law enforcement agencies be supported in addressing implicit bias so that young men of color harmed by crime are met with respect, care, and coordination with appropriate resources?
    • What strategies exist to help intervene in cycles of violence, even with those young people who have caused harm?

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