Privacy Policy | Contact Module 2 – SLP GLOBAL TALENT ACQUISITION & DEVELOPMENT Dealing with Repatriates An expatriate is an employee living and

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Module 2 – SLP


Dealing with Repatriates

An expatriate is an employee living and working in a different country from where he or she is a citizen.
Moving an employee to an overseas assignment for an extended period of time requires careful selection,
training, and planning to make the experience a success.

The return of an expatriate (called repatriation) must be well planned and executed in order for the
employee and organization to benefit from the overseas assignment.

Task: After doing some research, discuss how you (i.e., the VP of HR) would conduct the repatriation
process for an employee who is returning to the U.S. from Saudi Arabia after 5 years. Use your creativity
and discuss the entire procedure. Bring in at least one high-quality peer-reviewed library source in addition
to the required readings.

SLP Assignment Expectations

Your paper should be 2-3 pages (not including the cover sheet and references). You are expected to deal
with these issues in an integrated fashion, rather than treating them as a series of individual questions to
be answered one by one.

Structure of Submission:

1. Use your own words, rather than copying sentences from the article.

2. Use 12-point type size (Times New Roman), double-spacing, and one-inch margins. Add section
headings, a cover page, and a references list.

3. Cite your sources: APA Style – Trident encourages all students to comply with guidelines for proper
citation of references. Do not copy the references from the course. Instead, look up how to format them
in the guidelines provided by your professor. See the Trident guide to APA Style, 7th edition. or the
Purdue OWL website –

Your submission will be assessed on the criteria found in the grading rubric for this assignment:

Assignment-Driven Criteria: cover all key elements of the assignment in a substantive way.

Critical thinking: Demonstrates mastery conceptualizing the problem. Viewpoints and assumptions are
analyzed, synthesized, and evaluated. Conclusions are logically presented with appropriate rationale.

Scholarly Writing: Uses scholarly writing to an appropriately specialized audience.

Assignment Organization and Quality References: Uses relevant and quality sources to support ideas,
and intext citations are properly formatted. Remember also to bring in information from the required

Timeliness of assignment: Assignment submitted on or before due date.


5/14/24, 9:32 AM SLP – HRM403 Global HRM (2024APR29FT-1)


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