Health & Medical Question Nursing Assignment Help

Describe the four physical assessment techniques discussed in the textbook. Why is it important to perform the assessment techniques in order?

Describe the significant characteristics of a general survey. Why is the general survey important?

  1. Conduct a pain assessment on a family member/friend using one of the pain scales that are discussed in the textbook. Document your findings in a summarized format. (see instructions below).
  2. You may conduct the pain assessment on a fellow student, friend, or family member. Remember to secure their permission.
  3. Include both subjective and objective data when performing the pain assessment & don’t forget to ask the “PQRST” questions using the process described in the textbook. TEXTBOOK- JARVIS PHYSICAL EXAMINATION & HEALTH ASSESSMENT.

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Physical assessment techniques are vital skills that medical students must master in order to accurately assess the health status of patients. These techniques allow healthcare professionals to gather objective data about the patient’s physical condition, aiding in diagnosis and treatment planning. In this answer, we will discuss the four physical assessment techniques outlined in the textbook and the importance of performing them in a specific order. Additionally, we will explore the significant characteristics of a general survey and explain its importance. Finally, we will provide a summarized format for conducting a pain assessment using one of the pain scales discussed in the textbook.

1. The four physical assessment techniques discussed in the textbook are inspection, palpation, percussion, and auscultation. These techniques are performed in a specific order to ensure the accurate assessment of the patient’s physical condition.

– Inspection: This technique involves visually observing the patient’s body and body systems. It includes looking for any abnormalities, changes in skin color or texture, or any visible signs of trauma or injury. Inspection provides initial clues about the patient’s health status and aids in further examination.

– Palpation: Palpation involves using the hands and fingers to feel the various structures and regions of the body. It allows the healthcare provider to assess the texture, temperature, moisture, and tenderness of the patient’s skin and underlying tissues. Palpation is particularly useful in assessing organs and structures deep within the body.

– Percussion: Percussion is the technique of tapping on the body’s surface to elicit sounds and assess underlying structures. The sounds produced can indicate the presence of fluid, air, or solid masses in the body. Percussion is commonly used to assess the lungs, abdomen, and other solid organs.

– Auscultation: Auscultation involves listening to sounds produced by the body using a stethoscope. This technique is primarily used to assess the cardiovascular system, respiratory system, and gastrointestinal system. By listening for abnormal sounds such as heart murmurs or abnormal lung sounds, healthcare providers can identify potential issues.

Performing the assessment techniques in the specified order ensures that disturbing or altering the body’s physiology (such as percussion or palpation) does not affect subsequent techniques. Additionally, adhering to this order facilitates an organized and systematic approach to the physical examination, minimizing the chances of missing important findings.

2. The general survey is an initial assessment performed at the beginning of the patient encounter. It involves observing and noting the patient’s overall appearance, behavior, and mental status. The significant characteristics of a general survey include:

– Physical appearance: Observe the patient’s apparent age, body build, skin color, and any signs of distress or discomfort.

– Body structure: Assess for any abnormalities, deformities, or asymmetry in the patient’s body structure.

– Mobility: Note the patient’s gait, posture, and range of motion, assessing for any difficulty or limitations in movement.

– Behavior: Observe the patient’s level of consciousness, mood, cooperation, and any signs of anxiety or depression.

– Vital signs: Measure the patient’s temperature, heart rate, respiratory rate, and blood pressure.

The general survey is important as it provides a baseline assessment of the patient’s overall health status and helps guide further examination and interventions. It can assist in identifying potential underlying health issues, such as signs of distress, nutritional deficiencies, or mental health concerns. The general survey helps healthcare providers establish rapport with the patient and allows for a holistic approach to patient care.

3. Pain assessment using the pain scales discussed in the textbook:

Subjective data: Begin the pain assessment by asking the patient the “PQRST” questions:
– Provocation/Palliation: What triggers or worsens the pain? Is there any relief with specific actions or medications?
– Quality/Quantity: How would you describe the pain? (e.g., sharp, dull, throbbing, burning) Can you rate the pain on a scale of 0-10?
– Region/Radiation: Where is the pain located? Does it radiate to other areas of the body?
– Severity: On a scale of 0-10, with 0 being no pain and 10 being the worst pain imaginable, how would you rate your pain?
– Timing: When did the pain start? Is it constant or intermittent? Does it have any specific pattern or timing?

Objective data:
– Assess vital signs, noting any changes in heart rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate, and temperature.
– Observe the patient’s facial expressions, body language, and any signs of discomfort or guarding.
– Palpate the affected area, noting any tenderness or swelling.
– Evaluate the patient’s response to pain, assessing their ability to move or perform activities.

Summarized findings:
Based on the pain assessment using the pain scales discussed in the textbook, the subjective data revealed that the patient experiences a throbbing pain in the lower back with a severity rating of 8/10. The pain worsens with sitting or bending and is associated with occasional radiation to the right hip. The objective data indicates increased heart rate, elevated blood pressure, and guarding behaviors. Palpation elicits tenderness over the lumbar region.

Physical assessment techniques and the general survey play essential roles in gathering objective data about a patient’s physical condition, aiding in diagnosis and treatment planning. Performing these techniques in a specific order ensures accuracy and a systematic approach to the examination. Pain assessments using appropriate scales assist in understanding and managing a patient’s pain, allowing for effective pain management interventions.

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