High Performing Work Team Analysis

Organizations often use surveys or questionnaires to obtain information regarding employee satisfaction, the organizational issues impacting staff performance, perceptions of pay and benefits, organizational culture, etc. Sometimes, questionnaires are used in classes for staff development and focus on behavioral styles, conflict styles, or team behaviors. Additionally, they may be used to help intact teams or departments focus on and resolve team differences or performance issues. Many times, the questions themselves provide people with insight into what the organization expects from its employees. In this assignment, you will imagine that you are part of a team that is not performing at a very high level. As a result all members of your team are completing this survey before you attend team training. You are to read the questions in the High Performing Work Teams Survey. You will analyze the questions, identify the trends you see in the questions, and discuss what you and your team members would learn by taking this survey.

Write, summarizing the trends you identified, what you and your team members would learn from taking the survey, and conclusions about what is required of team members in order to create a high performing work team. Support your opinions and statements with a minimum of five references from sources published within the last ten years. You can cite scholarly and practitioner-oriented journals, newspaper articles, YouTube videos, (but not Wikipedia, consulting company websites, or other non-academic sources.) Please use the UMUC online library to search for appropriate sources rather than Google or other search engines. Use APA format for citations, references, and quotations. This means your list of references should start on a separate page, and should be double spaced, with a hanging indent and no spaces between entries. The High Performing Work Team Survey appears below. The criteria for grading this assignment follow the survey. Mission: 5 Items 1. I understand what contributions I am expected to make to the organization 2. I understand how this team’s performance will affect the business results of the company. 3. I can describe the mission or why this team exists. 4. I understand the team’s primary purpose. 5. Team members agree on the major work functions that our team is to perform.

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