5 -1 first assigment Discussion : Ethical Codes and Guidelines

5 -1

first assigment 

Discussion : Ethical Codes and Guidelines

Forensic psychology professionals must behave ethically. Many use the American Psychological Association’s (APA) “Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct” and American Psychology-Law Society’s (AP-LS) “Specialty Guidelines for Forensic Psychologists’” to guide their behavior. Some key players within your field experience setting, especially those who are not forensic psychology professionals, may not be aware of the ethical codes and guidelines you follow. In fact, they may use different codes and ethical guidelines all together depending on their field. While there may be similarities between ethical codes and guidelines used in various fields, you are responsible for following forensic psychology ethical guidelines while adhering to the ethical practice and behavior expected at your field experience setting.

an explanation of how your field experience setting maintains ethical practice and behavior, including if and how any formal ethical codes and guidelines are in place and enforced. Then explain any disparities between practices and behaviors in the setting and the APA Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct and AP-LS Specialty guidelines for forensic psychologists’.

I an at a recovvery center for drugs /chemical depended pepole 

Second asssigment 

5week 2 second assigment 

Journal Entry: Ethical Conflicts

As previously stated, you are expected to behave ethically. Doing so, however, is sometimes easier said than done. In some cases, there may be disparities between ethical codes and guidelines of the forensic psychology profession and your personal ethics, ethical codes of other professions, and/or the ethical practice and behavior expected at your field experience setting. Forensic psychology professionals may face ethical dilemmas due to these disparities. For example, an ethical dilemma may exist if someone asks you to share information that does not violate the ethical codes of the field experience setting but conflicts with your personal or professional ethical codes and guidelines. By identifying and thinking about such disparities, you can begin to prepare for potential ethical conflicts and ways to address them.

i am at a recovery center for addicts keep that in mind .

The assignment (300–600 words):

Write a journal entry that includes the following:

  • An explanation of what you might do if confronted with a conflict between the ethical codes and guidelines of the forensic psychology profession and one of the following: Your personal ethics; the ethical codes and guidelines of other professions present at your field experience setting; and/or the ethical practices, procedures, and behaviors expected at your field experience setting.

Learning Resources

Reading materials 

Required Readings

American Psychological Association. (2010). Ethical principles of psychologists and code of conduct with 2010 amendments. Retrieved from


American Psychology-Law Society. (1991). Specialty guidelines for forensic psychologists’. Law and Human Behavior, 15(6), 655-665. Retrieved from http://www.ap-ls.org/aboutpsychlaw/currentforensicguidelines.pdf

Cronin, C. (n.d.) Ethical practice within forensic psychology. Retrieved July 8, 2010 from


Pope, K. S., & Vetter, V. A. (1992). Ethical dilemmas encountered by members of the American Psychological Association: A national survey. American Psychologist, 47(3), 397–411.

Ward, T. Gannon, T., & Vess, J. (2009). Human rights, ethical principles, and standards in forensic psychology. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 53(2),126-144.

Optional Resources

Williams, M. H. (2006). Killing as a psychological service. National Psychologist, 15(6). Retrieved from


Ethics Codes & Practice Guidelines for Assessment, Therapy, Counseling, & Forensic Practice. (n.d.). Articles, Research, & Resources in Psychology. Retrieved July 19, 2010 from


This website provides links to various professional codes and guidelines forensic psychology professionals may work with in a multi-disciplinary setting.

Online Chapter: Bush, S. S., Connell, M. A., & Denney, R. L. (2006). Ethical Decision-Making Model. In Ethical decision-making model (in press). Washington, DC: APA Books. Retrieved from


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