300 words and please cite from the document Nursing Assignment Help

Stalked by the Fear That Dementia Is Stalking You

By Judith Graham, Kaiser Health News

Feb. 20, 2020

Share the link to the current event at the top of your post (Note: it MUST be a link your classmates can open and view).

Summarize the current event; include the wording used by the author to describe the mental or substance use disorder.

Discuss the back story of the person(s) involved in the event (e.g., medical history, life-altering event, trauma, etc.) as described by the source.

Discuss any social, physical, and/or psychological behaviors that are normally associated with the disorder described; include any unique life stressors (e.g., relationships, employment, housing, life event, etc.) that may have contributed to the event.

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In this current event, the focus is on a news article titled “Stalked by the Fear That Dementia Is Stalking You” written by Judith Graham. This article discusses the experience of individuals who live with the constant fear and anxiety of developing dementia. It sheds light on the psychological and emotional impact this fear can have on an individual’s daily life.

Link to the current event: [Stalked by the Fear That Dementia Is Stalking You](https://khn.org/news/stalked-by-the-fear-that-dementia-is-stalking-you/)

The article explores the psychological impact of the fear of developing dementia and how it affects the lives of those affected. It highlights the experience of individuals who maintain a constant worry about their cognitive health, even in the absence of any clinical signs. The author describes how this fear can be debilitating, leading to anxiety, depression, and an overwhelming preoccupation with memory-related concerns.

The article does not provide specific details regarding the medical history or life-altering events of individuals mentioned. However, it presents a broader perspective on how the fear of dementia can arise in individuals who may have witnessed a loved one experience cognitive decline or have learned about the condition through media or personal experiences.

Behaviors associated with the disorder:
The fear of developing dementia can lead to various social, physical, and psychological behaviors. Individuals may become hyper-vigilant about their memory, constantly questioning their cognitive abilities and seeking reassurance from others. They may display increased anxiety and fear about forgetfulness, leading to withdrawal from social engagements and a decline in overall well-being. This fear can significantly impact occupational performance and relationships, leading to isolation and reduced quality of life.

Unique life stressors:
Life stressors that may contribute to the development or exacerbation of the fear of dementia can include personal or family history of cognitive decline, witnessing a loved one’s struggle with dementia, exposure to media discussions about dementia, or personal experiences with memory lapses. These stressors can heighten the individual’s concern and lead to a constant preoccupation with the possibility of developing dementia.

In conclusion, the fear of dementia can be a distressing experience with significant psychological and emotional consequences. It is crucial for healthcare professionals to understand the impact of this fear on individuals’ lives and provide appropriate support and guidance to alleviate anxiety and promote overall well-being.

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