2/29/24, Assignment Information Page 1 of 1 CJ 340 Module Eight Practice Activity Guidelines and Rubric Overview For your final course in the Criminal

2/29/24, Assignment Information

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CJ 340 Module Eight Practice Activity Guidelines and Rubric


For your final course in the Criminal Justice program, you will be expected to create and investigate a research question. To help you prepare for that task, each course in the program will

include an assignment in which you will review various research topics and submit at least one research question to your instructor for feedback. You will record your questions from each

course in an ePortfolio so you can easily access them to develop your final research question.


Using the topics listed below (or others covered in this course), create one to three research questions and submit them to your instructor. This assignment is graded based on completion, and

instructor feedback should help you strengthen your questions for future use. After you have submitted these questions to your instructor, upload the questions (and the list of potential topics

below, if you wish) to your ePortfolio PDF.

To view some sample research questions, refer to this research resource from the Shapiro Library. There is also a helpful page that addresses research question creation and expectations that

you may want to explore.

Note:Note:Note:Note: If this is the first time you are submitting a research question to support your work in the final course, you should create a folder within your ePortfolio with the title “Research

Questions,” as you will be adding questions to this folder throughout the program. Follow these ePortfolio instructions PDF on creating a folder within your ePortfolio.


Types and classifications of offenders as defined by law

Types of crime as defined by law

The relationship between sociology and criminology

How classical and positivist schools of thought have influenced criminal justice practices

How biological and psychological theories have influenced criminal justice practices

How sociological theories have influenced criminal justice practices

How critical and interactionist theories may explain criminal behavior and influence the criminal justice system

How criminal justice professionals utilize criminological theories

How cultural views and values drive human behavior

The importance of applying theory versus making broad generalizations to explain behavior

The role of ethics in the application of theory

The correlation between criminal behavior theory and criminal justice practice

The importance of integrating biological, sociological, and environmental factors in an effort to explain criminal behavior

Specifically, the following rubric criterionrubric criterionrubric criterionrubric criterion must be addressed:

Submit one to three research questions based on a topic covered in this course.

What to Submit

Submit your assignment as a Microsoft Word document.

Module Eight Practice Activity Rubric

CriteriaCriteriaCriteriaCriteria Complete (100%)Complete (100%)Complete (100%)Complete (100%) Not Complete (0%)Not Complete (0%)Not Complete (0%)Not Complete (0%) ValueValueValueValue

Articulation of ResponseArticulation of ResponseArticulation of ResponseArticulation of Response Clearly conveys meaning with correct grammar, sentence

structure, and spelling

Submission has critical errors in grammar, sentence structure, and



Research Question(s)Research Question(s)Research Question(s)Research Question(s) Submits research question(s) based on a topic covered in this


Does not submit research question(s) based on a topic covered in

this course


Total:Total:Total:Total: 100%


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