2/19/24, 7:02 PM SLP – HRM401 Staffing Organizations (2024JAN08FT-1) 1/5 Module 4 – SLP EMPLOYEE RETENTION For this SLP assignment, review the

2/19/24, 7:02 PM SLP – HRM401 Staffing Organizations (2024JAN08FT-1)


Module 4 – SLP


For this SLP assignment, review the following:

Arthur, D. (2019). Chapter 17: Online employee orientation. In
Recruiting, interviewing, selecting, & orienting new employees (6th
ed.). Harper Collins [Books 24/7]. Available in the Trident Online
Library, Skillsoft database.

Losing key employees can have a disproportionate impact on the
business. The people that organizations wish to retain are often the
ones most likely to leave. It has been said that every worker is five
minutes away from handing in his or her notice, and 150 working
hours away from walking out of the door to a better offer. There is
no such thing as a job for life and today’s workers have few qualms
about leaving employers. Action is required to retain talented
people, but there are limits to what any organization can do.
Employees are more likely to stay willingly if they feel valued and
ensuring that this happens is the most important message of this

The main takeaway for employee retention is that if a company’s
employees are happy, if they are treated as valued assets to the
company, and if they experience a good work/life balance, they will
usually exhibit a strong organizational commitment to the company.
There is something that will help to put a new employee on the path
to commitment to the organization: an employee orientation
program. Arthur (2019) developed an excellent sample orientation
program in Chapter 17 of Arthur textbook.


2/19/24, 7:02 PM SLP – HRM401 Staffing Organizations (2024JAN08FT-1)


Your SLP assignment is to develop an employee orientation
program based upon the model published by Arthur (2019), or
another one you find in your Trident Online Library research, or one
from your employer that needs to be updated.

Arthur (2019) identified 40 topics that can be covered in an
employee orientation program although you certainly do not need to
include all of them. Your employee orientation plan should contain
at least five (5) sections, but the choice of which sections is up to
you. It is best to select options that fit your industry, employee pool,
and company so that the SLP assignment is meaningful to you. You
can do more than five sections if you want a more complete

You also have the option of developing an online orientation or a
traditional face-to-face group orientation. As you determine the
format and content of your orientation program, keep in mind that
there are drawbacks and advantages to both types. You can read
about these areas in Arthur’s (2019) Chapter 17, too.

In your 3-page essay, address the four parts of the assignment:

1. Develop an employee orientation program that contains not less
than five (5) of the 40 sections discussed by Arthur (2019) in
Chapter 17 of the required reading.

2. Review the five selected components of your orientation program
and discuss why each was selected.

3. Discuss which type of program was created and explain why it
was selected, what the advantages are of the format you
selected, and what the disadvantages are of the format you did
not select.

4. Meet with a coworker or supervisor and show them the list of 40
options available for your plan, pointing out the five you selected.
Did they agree or not agree with your choices? What did they see
as more important to your company’s new employees?

2/19/24, 7:02 PM SLP – HRM401 Staffing Organizations (2024JAN08FT-1)


Refer to background readings and what you have found in the
Trident Online Library. Cite all sources used to help you through
these steps. Support your discussion of key concepts in this SLP
assignment with at least one reference found in a peer-reviewed
journal in the Trident Online Library in addition to the Arthur (2019)

Your essay submission should be 3-pages, not counting the cover
page and reference list page. Use Times New Roman size 12 font;
double-space everything, including references, but do not add extra
spacing between paragraphs or after headings; and make sure your
margins are one inch on all four sides. You can view how the cover
page content should appear in the sample paper found in
the Purdue OWL APA Formatting and Style Guide. Student papers
do not require a running head on any page. In addition, students
are not required to include an Abstract. Your paper’s title should be
above the first paragraph on page two (there can be no paragraph
with the title of “Introduction”). Last, all pages must have a page
number in the top right corner and that is all that is required in the
header of your papers.

Citation and reference style instructions are available

Also see the Trident guide to APA Style, 7th edition.

You will find the following useful as you critique sources:

Herring, J. E. (2011). Chapter 3: Evaluating websites, Figure 3.1, p.
38. In Improving students’ web use and information literacy: a guide
for teachers and teacher librarians. Facet Publishing. Available in
the Trident Online Library, EBSCO eBook Collection.

Lack, C. W., & Rousseau, J. (2016). Chapter 4: What is critical
thinking? In Critical thinking, science, and pseudoscience: Why we
can’t trust our brains. Springer Publishing Company. Available in
the Trident Online Library, EBSCO eBook Collection.

2/19/24, 7:02 PM SLP – HRM401 Staffing Organizations (2024JAN08FT-1)


Assignment Expectations

Your submission will be assessed on your level of critical thinking
skills as reflected in the grading rubric:

The criteria found in the Critical Thinking grading rubric for this
assignment are:

Meets assignment requirements

Critical thinking

Writing/communication, and assignment organization

Use of sources and mechanics

Timeliness of assignment

Required Material

Required Reading

Arthur, D. (2019). Chapter 17: Online employee orientation. In
Recruiting, interviewing, selecting, & orienting new employees (6th
ed.). Harper Collins [Books 24/7]. Available in the Trident Online
Library, Skillsoft database.

Optional Sources

Armstrong, M., & Tayler, S. (2020). Chapter 25: Commitment. In
Armstrong’s handbook of human resource management practice
(15th ed.). Kogan Page. Available in the Trident Online Library,
Skillsoft database.

Armstrong, M., & Tayler, S. (2020). Chapter 26: Employee
engagement. In Armstrong’s handbook of human resource
management practice (15th ed.). Kogan Page. Available in the
Trident Online Library, Skillsoft database.

2/19/24, 7:02 PM SLP – HRM401 Staffing Organizations (2024JAN08FT-1)


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Armstrong, M., & Tayler, S. (2020). Chapter 30: Managing
employment (Managing employee retention). In Armstrong’s
handbook of human resource management practice (15th ed.).
Kogan Page. Available in the Trident Online Library, Skillsoft

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