1. Using your own words, complete the following. You may use the textbook and other sources for information but the answers should be in your own words–not

1. Using your own words, complete the following. You may use the textbook and other sources for information but the answers should be in your own words–not copied and pasted. Remember to properly cite and reference any sources used.

Answer the following:

  1. Explain why friendships increase in importance to adolescents.
  2. How does social media play a role in establishing and maintaining friendships?
  3. Are “online” friendships true friendships?
  4. List and describe three friendship maintenance behaviors.
  5. Why is empathy important in friendships?
  6. What does research tell us about the reasons that people might sexually experiment with people who are friends?
  7. According to Gottman, what are the most important predictors of successful relationships?
  8. Do gay and lesbian couples face different issues than heterosexual couples? Explain.
  9. How can a broken heart physically hurt us?
  10. List and explain three examples of relationship maintenance behavior.

2. Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) is physical, sexual, or psychological harm by a current or former partner or spouse. Find a peer-reviewed research article on IPV and respond to the questions below. This can be any aspect of IPV in either heterosexual or same-sex couples.

  • What is the title of the article?
  • Provide the full reference for the article.
  • What was the study about?
  • What were the findings?
  • What is your opinion of the findings?

Note: To earn full credit for this graded discussion, post at least three times. First, post your own thoughts. This post should be substantial (containing at least 200-300 words).

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