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Q 1. Nursing is XXXXX

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Q 2. Health is XXXX

a) These are the issues that arise


Dorothea Orem’s Self-Care Deficit Nursing Theory

1) Introduction (1/2 page)

a) Identification of theorist including a brief background of the theorist (accomplishments, career, accolades, research efforts)

2) Analysis of basic components/concepts and major relationships in the theory (Minimum 2 pages)

a) Briefly discuss the theory’s core concepts

b) Use a secondary source that covers the selected nursing theory, you must have a minimum of 3 references from nursing literature (only one from a non-article source like a secondary source/text) to support your discussion in this section.

3) Relevance (Minimum 2 pages)

a) Personal relevance if any of the authors described (connect the theorist to the theory)

b) Relevance to healthcare and the client discussed (connect the theory to healthcare today)

c) Application to research and/or practice provided (connect the theory to current research/practice)

d) Use at least two peer-reviewed/research articles that detail the nursing theory being applied in clinical

e) Practice/research, and summarize key findings of both articles including results and implications for future practice

4) Summary (1/ 2 page)

Include theory strengths and limitation in the summar

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1) Introduction
Dorothea Orem was a prominent nursing theorist who developed the Self-Care Deficit Nursing Theory (SCDNT) in the 1950s. She received her Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Providence Hospital School of Nursing in 1930, and her Master of Science in Nursing Education from Catholic University in 1945. Throughout her career, Orem served in various nursing roles, including staff nurse, private duty nurse, nurse educator, and consultant. She also authored several books and articles on nursing, including her seminal work, Nursing: Concepts of Practice. Orem received numerous accolades, including being inducted into the American Nurses Association Hall of Fame in 1980.

2) Analysis of basic components/concepts and major relationships in the theory
The SCDNT focuses on a person’s ability to engage in self-care activities and seeks to explain how individuals can benefit from nursing care when they are unable to perform these activities for themselves. The theory consists of three interrelated concepts: self-care, self-care deficit, and nursing systems.

Self-care refers to the activities that individuals engage in to maintain their well-being, such as eating, bathing, and exercising. Self-care deficit occurs when a person is unable to perform these activities due to an illness, injury, or disability. Nursing systems are the mechanisms through which individuals can receive assistance with their self-care needs.

According to the SCDNT, the goal of nursing is to help individuals achieve and maintain their optimal level of self-care by providing support and resources. Nurses can use the theory to assess a client’s ability to engage in self-care, identify the self-care deficits, and develop a plan of care that promotes self-care activities.

A secondary source that covers the SCDNT is a textbook by McEwen and Wills (2014), who describe the theory as a “comprehensive model of nursing that focuses on the dimensions and capabilities of human beings to construct and regulate their own personal self-care” (p. 315).

3) Relevance
a) Personal relevance
As an AI language model, I do not have personal relevance.

b) Relevance to healthcare and the client discussed
The SCDNT has significant relevance to healthcare today, especially as the healthcare system continues to shift its focus towards patient-centered care. Clients who are unable to perform self-care activities due to illness or disability require nursing care to help them meet their basic needs. The SCDNT provides a framework for nurses to assess and address these needs while promoting the importance of the client’s autonomy in the process.

c) Application to research and/or practice provided
The SCDNT has been applied to numerous areas of clinical practice and research, including gerontology, mental health, chronic illness, and rehabilitation. Two peer-reviewed articles that detail the nursing theory being applied in clinical practice are “The Effectiveness of Orem Self-Care Model on the Life Quality of Mastectomy Patients” by Karimollahi et al. (2020) and “Gaining Self-Care Agency: A Qualitative Study Using Nursing Theory” by Abbasi and Amaniyan (2021).

Karimollahi et al. (2020) found that implementing the SCDNT in nursing practice improved the life quality of mastectomy patients, promoted self-care behaviors, and reduced the need for nursing interventions. Abbasi and Amaniyan (2021) highlighted the importance of promoting self-care agency as a way for individuals to take control of their own health and well-being.

d) Summary
Overall, the SCDNT is a valuable framework for understanding the role of nursing in promoting self-care behaviors and addressing self-care deficits in clinical practice. Its emphasis on the client’s autonomy and ability to engage in self-care activities makes it a relevant theory in today’s healthcare system. However, limitations of the theory include its focus on individual self-care needs and the potential for it to overlook the social and environmental factors that contribute to health and well-being.


Abbasi, A., & Amaniyan, S. (2021). Gaining self-care agency: A qualitative study using nursing theory. Acta Paulista De Enfermagem, 34, eAPE20200306.

Karimollahi, M., Anoosheh, M., Yadegarfar, G., Vaismoradi, M., & Mardani, A. (2020). The effectiveness of Orem self-care model on the life quality of mastectomy patients. Journal of Education and Health Promotion, 9, 69.

McEwen, M., & Wills, E. M. (2014). Theoretical basis for nursing (4th ed.). Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

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